Hello Stranger

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By the time Ivy had alighted a safe distence from the orphanage  I had decided to stay away from Caspian for a while, he needed time to morn and I seemed to attract bad luck into his life. I stepped down and brushed my feet on the concrete feeling too arkward to make eye contact with Ivy but there was no need because when I did look up Ivy had dissappeared back out to sea. I was still colpletely naked and it was only now that the cold started to bite at me and I realised I would have to sneak into my room extra quietly. I wove around the back and down the tree line to the back garden. Making sure there was nobody playing outside I snuck up the garden to my window. It was shut but I slipped my fingers under the ledge and quietly pryed it open. I heard hurried footsteps behind the curtain and shut the window again a little to fast. It caught my finger and I winced at the pain, before ducking into a bush and praying nobody saw me.
It went silent again.
I waited a good twenty minutes before I tried again, it worked and I fell clumsily through the window.
" Tylah!" Someone yelled, a moment later I was grabbed and dragged into a tight hug.
Once I was released I saw that it was Chad standing in front of me. I also remembered mg nudity!
" Chad" I squealed, covering up my woman parts. He just laughed and gave me another hug. Then he grabbed one of his hoodies off the bed and tossed it to me. I quickly pulled it on.
Chad pulled me in for another hug.
" Are you ok? " He whispered.
" No " I answered truthfully.
" I love you " He replied.

I spent the next few hours trying to explain everything to Chad while keeping his brain working. After about two and a half hours Gina xame up so I started again. It was dark by the time I was finished.
Chad and Gina seemed a distant and I couldnt place why, had a short time apart really changed so much.
I noticed worry lines on Chad"s brow , his face seemed srunken in a strange way and Gina looked more tired then the nurses at 5 am. I wondered if it was because of me. I had never ment to be away for so long without telling them and just disappear. I hoped they had been ok, but I planned to run again... This time to find the father of my child, Hunter.

After Chad and Gina had gone to bed finally I got changed and slipped into my bed, the sheets were as scrachy and stiff as I remembered and I stared at the ceiling and thought.
I had no idea where Hunter was or how to find him but my child couldn't grow up without a dad, I wouldn't let that happen and Caspian was neither its Dad or in any position to fill that role. Gina wasn't in her bed and I didnt know where she had gone. I felt like I needed to talk to someone about it, Chad might know how to contact Hunter though I doubted it since I didn't. I got up and out of bed, resisting the urge to shiver at the cold air. I tiptoed out onto the landing and down the stairs to the boys rooms. Thankfully nobody had decided to stand guard tonight.
I snuck upto Chads room and into the door.
He wasnt there.
But my knees still went weak and with a dull thud hit the floor.

Sketches and tawn up drawings littered the floor. I picked one gingerly from a pile next to me. My hands shook so much it was hard to make out but I could see a lamb standing confidently, innocently. But in front of her was a huge lion, facing a way from her. Its teeth set in a snarl, its body set in defense. Against..... A wolf. Approaching from the far side of the page stalked a huge grey wolf, his hackles raised teeth bared.... His eyes were hungry and set on the little lamb, huge burning blue eyes.

I was the lamb, Chad the lion was defending me against the wolf, Caspian.
But I noticed something strange. The lion was bleeding. From it's heart seeped a steady stream of blood. His eyes were in pain. It was clear from the drawing who was going to win the fight.
The drawing was titled-
Run Little One.

I let the paper fall to the floor. Floating down to settle next to a used needle and an empty bottle.

I didnt even know this boy anymore. He hadnt told me about any of this, he had kept it in without a word. My bestfriend was a stranger 

Hey Peoples.
Sorry for the filler update,Im constantly getting writers block now so I dont know if is worth continuing.  let me know if you want me to otherwise idk what imma do. Ive also been on holiday so those together = no update so Im super sorry. Idk about this chapter like I said wrjter writers block was killing me!!! but hope you enjoyed.. love yous xxxxx

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