Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

One peaceful week

Im so grateful right now. Why, you might ask, after being raped am I grateful. I was looking around for new apartments and I found one. It all started when Matt left me with a blood filled bed. I decided that I needed to move away from him so he can't come over anymore. Well I found a beautiful apartment for a great price. I'll be moving into it tomorrow!! I can't wait. I already packed everything, and I found someone who would "love to buy this apartment!" So yea, I'm grateful.




Except, of course after school. But wait, he'll probably notice that I moved and follow me home one day. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. I didn't think this through that well. -_- I'll try though. I do like the apartment anyways, and they have better walls, unlike these. Matt actually duct taped my mouth so I wouldn't scream that night.

Just then I thought of the perfect plan- A LIE!!! I'll just say I moved in with my aunt so it'll be better if he doesn't follow me hope. I'll tell him she gets really suspicious really easily. I smile for thinking it up. You see, I'm really bad with this kind of stuff soooo....

I go to take a nap since I really don't have anything better to do.


I take my last box down to the apartment, ready to start placing everything. Six hours later, I'm finished. It took me a while to figure out where to put everything. I actually sketched it all. I now have a headache... I start to feel nauseous and run to the bathroom just in time to puke. Well, isn't it a pleasure to know that is the first thing I did in my new house. *Sarcasm*

-2 days later-

The nausea doesn't seem to be getting any better so I'm staying home from school for the week. I've also bee getting major headaches. But this, surprisingly, is the most peaceful week I can remember. I've been watching movies and eating popcorn. I finished two books, and I started a dance class with an online private tutor. I know none of this will last, but I'm enjoying it while I have it. I quit zoning out and run to the bathroom t puke. Again. Well I'm enjoying most of it.....



I see I got a few reads. Thanks guys I hope your liking it. I'll post again tomorrow.

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