Chapter 1

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"Move out of the way, now." Riddle shouted through the damp and cold corridor. Amara sat on the stone steps beside Druella, her best friend, in the evening sun. She hadn't even been back at Hogwarts for five minutes before Tom Marvolo Riddle had started barking orders.


Amara Waldwinn was a pure blood Slytherin student in her third year. Being a respected witch, she had a loyal group of friends and maintainable reputation with her peers. Having disturbingly evil parents, other students in the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses feared her where as the Slytherins praised her. This was something Amara couldn't help. It is strange how a name can determine someone's future. Another reason for being so respected was down to the fact that Amara wasn't an exact decedent of Salazar Slytherin but had some relation to the warlock, meaning her family's wealth was beyond imaginable.

Amara's black hair fell straight down beneath her shoulders and it contrasted with her pale complexion as she sat in the flickering fire light bouncing off the dark walls. Ice grey eyes hid behind long lashes and red lips were placed gently on her face. They moved slightly, displaying perfectly white teeth behind a pleasent smile.

She did not like to see herself as evil. Amara Waldwinn may be in Slytherin but she wasn't as bad as people thought. Yes - she hated mudbloods. And yes - she performed the occasional curse but there were some real freaks in her house, like Tom for example. Similar to the majority of students Amara hung around with, he hated muggle born witches and wizards. Because it was 1941, having such a public hate on the non magical community didn't tend to go down well with others. In fact, anti-muggle campaigns were now seen as a hate crime, resulting in time at Azkaban.

And Azkaban's exactly where Tom Riddle will end up. Being in the year above, there were only limited conversations between him and Amara. Most of them restricted to the stone corridors - meaning the occasional 'hello' when passing by. Although, alot was said in the Common Room, out of sight from judgemental society. All the same, Amara found the late night conversations with Riddle and his friends to be slightly tiring. This was down to the fact that the majority of her fellow students tended to be curious about her private life. Too curious. As a result, they either asked about her parent's plans or take the time to hang around, attempting to swoon over Tom Riddle.

This bothered Amara and her best friend - Druella, much more compared to their peers who hardly hung around the well-known Slytherin. Everyone wants to be close to him, especially the girls - they all want a piece of the handsome Tom Riddle.

Whenever he walked into the common room late at night - the way firelight flickered off his face, made the people watching silent. No one would speak as he walked past them, tensing the muscles in his angular jaw bone as he did so - aware of everyone's intense gaze.

A gaze that Amara couldn't seem to wipe off her face as she sat in the corridor. Silent.

"Are you a Prefect Tom? When did you find out?" Bella called through the crowds of students from behind the two girls. She spoke to the tall, brunette boy. He smirked and made his way over to them.

"When we got off the train earlier this evening" Tom replied calmly. The emrald linen of his robes wrapped around his feet as he stopped infront of the them. He continued, a prefect badge glistening under the illuminating shine of the evening sky visible through the window. The mood suddenly became sour as his smirk was quickly removed.

"Speaking of such things, get yourself down to the Slytherin common room imidiately. I am doing my first evening round up as it is almost after hours." Glancing at Amara, Tom pulled his shoulders back and his stance turned serious as his eyes burrowed into the girls' faces whilst they stared back at him intently. He stole one last brief look, lips twitching - he walked off silently.

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