Quad or squad date

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My favorite title ever!!!!!!
Marks pov
Tonight we were having a quadruple date. The boys were taking the girls to a movie and out to dinner. Sadly the guys picked the place we eat and the girls got to pick the movie. Now we're stuck seeing paper towns with these girls. I'm going over to Witney's house to hang out before the date. I knock on their door. Her mom answered it.
"Mark nice to see you again, Witney is up in her room"
"Ok" I say going upstairs.
"Tell her she needs to keep her door open"
"Ok Mrs. Carson" I say making her smile. I open Witney's door and she's not in there. I hear her shower running though. I lay down on her bed and think of our memories we've had in this room. Play dates, first kiss, first time together, where I told her I loved her, the time I threw her favorite toy out the window. I laid back and got comfy on her bed. She came out with a towel wrapped around her.
"Mark what are doing here"
"Waiting for you babe"
"Also your mom told me you need to keep your door open"
Witney walks over to her door and closes it.
"She doesn't want to hear what we're about to do" she said walking over to me. She takes her towel off and jumps on top of me. She strips me down till I was completely naked. She started kissing down my entire body.
"Ugh wit your so good" I said.
"Shhh my parents are downstairs"
"Sorry but your amazing at this"
"Thank you" she said smiling. I grab and condom and Witney takes it from me.
"Wit we have to use those"
"I know I'm just helping you out" she said sliding it on for me. I flipped her over and started kissing her neck. I slide into her slowly. I started going faster and faster. I was about to explode.
"Maark oh my god" she screamed. It was probably loud enough to let my parents hear it.
"Wit, Mark are you ok up there"
"Shit" we said at the same time. We both start getting dressed. Witney goes into the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth. I sit on her bed and play on my phone. Her parents open the door and see me.
"Hi Mrs. And Mr. Carson, Witney is in the bathroom getting ready"
"Ready for what" Mr. Carson asked.
"Um well tonight, me and wit are going bowling and to see a movie"
"Is it a date"
"No, I'm not into Witney like that"
"And I'm not into Mark like that"
"Ok well wit why did you scream"
"Mark was tickling me in the stomach"
"Oh" they both say at the same time.
"Why what did you think it was"
"We thought you were having sex or something"
Me and Witney both start laughing.
"Ew no thank you" Witney said. Her parents leave and close the door. I hear them walk back downstairs.
"That was close" she said.
"Yeah I'm happy they didn't notice my boner or the fact that I still have a condom on"
"Babe you didn't get to finish" she asked me.
"no but I also don't want to take the chance of your parents walking in on you doing that"
"Yeah but they would understand" Witney said getting on her knees. She started rubbing up and down my thighs.
"Wit really this isn't a good idea"
"I'll take the blame" she said starting to take my pants off. She pulled the condom off me and started sucking.
"God wit you really know"
"Know what"
"How to please a man"
"Mmhmm" she said sending vibrations through me. She comes back up after I finish. I give her a kiss.
"I'll see you in a little bit beautiful"
"Ok" she said smiling. I leave her room and go back to my house. I walk in and all of the guys are standing there.
"What the hell are you all doing here"
"Where were you, we've been texting you for hours"
"I was at wit's and I didn't bring my phone so that there was no distractions"
They all give me high fives.
"So was it good"
"Bro her parents almost walked in on us, but once they left she finished me off"
"Wait she finished you off" Val asked in shock.
"Yeah I know, she's the perfect girl for me" I get a text from Witney. I look out my window and she's naked holding two outfits.
Wear the blue one and the guys are over so you might want to close your window
Did they see me
No baby
Good that would have been embarrassing
"Is wit texting you about the amazing sex you just had"
"No and I have to get ready so if you could please leave"
"Will you be able to make it to the restaurant on time"
"Why wouldn't I"
"Because you have to pick up Witney"
"Shut up" I say as they all laugh. I get on my black pants and dark blue button up. I go next door and pick up Witney. Her parents were in the kitchen.
"Hey beautiful" I say quietly so her parents didn't hear. I kiss her cheek and wrap my arm around her waist.
"Ok mom dad I'm leaving"
"Bye you two have fun"
We walk across the yard and get I my car. I look over at her she looks stunning in her dress. I lean over and give her a kiss.
"I love you wit"
"I love you too"
We drove to the restaurant and were the first to get here.
Emma's pov
Sasha was already 15 minutes late. He lives across the street how long could it take. I give him a call and he doesn't answer. I look in his driveway and his car is still there. I walk over to his house and knock on the door. His mom answers it.
"Emma what a lovely surprise, Sasha is up in his room"
"Ok" I say nicely. I walk up to his room and open his door. He was sleeping on his bed. He looked so peaceful. I kissed his forehead.
"Em hey, wait our date we have to get ready"
"It's fine, I'm just happy to find you sleeping and not with some other girl"
"There's no other girl that can compare to you though"
"Thanks" I said. He started getting dressed in some blue jeans and then a gray shirt.
"You look good"
"So do you" he says back. We walk downstairs and leave. We get to the restaurant last.
"I do remember someone telling me not to be late" Mark says to Sasha.
"I fell asleep you asshole"
He rolled his eyes at Sasha. We all ordered our food and started talking.
"I'm so excited to see paper towns" Witney said.
"Me too, I heard it's really good" Peta said.
"Me too, I even read the book" I added.
"Don't ruin the ending for us" Jenna tells me.
"I wasn't planning on it" I say. The waiters bring our food out and we all eat. The guys pay for our food and we go to the theater.
"Hi how can I help you"
"8 tickets to paper towels" Mark said.
"Towns babe, it's paper towns" Witney explains to him.
"What the hell are paper towns"
"It's part of the book"
"Paper towels sounds better" he says.
Witney rolls her eyes and takes her ticket from him. We all sit down in a row together. I was sitting next to Sasha and Jenna. Mark was on the end and Maks was on the other end. The movie started and I grabbed Sasha's hand. I could feel him staring at me. I look over at him and he smiles.
"What are you looking at"
"My gorgeous girl" he says then kissed my cheek. I look over at Maks and Peta, she is sitting in his lap straddling him and making out. I look at Val and Jenna, he is trying not to fall asleep while Jenna's eyes are glued to the screen. Marks hand was on Witney's thigh and he was moving it up her leg slowly. I started watching the movie again. The movie ended and me, Jenna and wit were in tears. Peta was still in a heated make out swag with Maks.
"Did I miss it" Peta asked sad.
"Yeah all of it" I answer.
"Ugh it was worth it. I got to kiss you" she said talking to Maks.
We all made gross puking noises. We got out of the theater and go into our cars. I get into Sasha's car.
"I'm so tired" I say yawning.
"Why don't you just stay my place tonight, we won't do anything just cuddle" he says.
"That sounds relaxing"
I smile for the rest of the ride there. We get to his house and he gives me one of his shirts to wear. I change into it and get in bed with him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his body.
"I love you Emma" 
"I love you too Sasha"
Val's pov
Jenna fell asleep in the car ride home. I carried her into her house and laid her on her bed.
"Val can you stay please"
"Of course baby. Do you want to get out of that dress"
"Yeah can you help me"
I smile and sit her on her bed. I unzip the back of the dress and it falls to the ground. She grabs a pair of shorts and a t shirt. While she put those on I got out of my clothes, I stayed only in my boxers. I laid down on her bed and she got in with me. I wrap my arm around her and she cuddled into my chest.
"I love you so much" she says.
"I love you so much more baby girl"
I kiss her head and she falls asleep. I love her more than she could ever know. I fall asleep thinking about her.
Peta's pov
Maks thought it would be fun if we go swimming after the movie so we went to my house. We were swimming around and flirting with each other.
"P is that tree house still up there" 
"Yep my dad never took it down actually my little sister uses it now"
"Can we go up there"
"Yeah I think it's fine, I'll ask paisley"
"Pais" I scream. She comes outside in her pajamas.
"Can me and Maks go into the treehouse tonight"
"Are you gonna do anything up there"
"Nothing else, you promise right because I don't want the treehouse being your sex place when mom and dad are home"
"it won't we just want to sleep up there"
"Ok yeah it has sleeping bags in it but you have to bring a pillow"
"Thank you" I say. She leaves and goes back inside. We get out and go change into more comfortable clothing. Maks grabs the pillows off my bed and we go outside. We climb up the tree to the deck around the inside of it. I open the door. It still looks exactly the same it did when we were kids. I'm happy my sister didn't change it. I grab a sleeping bag and me and Maks share it. It was a little snug but we like to be close. I kiss his bare chest.
"I love you Maks"
"I love you more Peta"
I smile and slowly go into a deep sleep.

Hope you like this I (didn't) worked very hard on it. Anyways thanks for reading my chapter and I'll update this again tomorrow!

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