When the World Beckons You

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Life always has its mysterious ways of creation. There are unexplainable things that surround us all - they make us question: Am I truly in reality? The idea of holding power is foolhardy to people. When you say you have power they believe you lavish yourself with riches. No, when I say I have power I mean something more; something more marvelous than money itself.

I am a female. Quiet, calm, collected, and a leader. I am no ordinary woman that was born with a human mother or a human father. No, I was born in the stars. While I was surrounded with darkness and bitter cold nights, the stars would occasionally beam down towards me to offer warmth. I often floated there, curled in a small ball. Thoughts and questions began to develop. I began to take shape that of a human, but my power took shape of something more: a Goddess. 

The day I first opened my eyes was the day of Darkness for Earth. I saw the dark world I slept in and the small shield of light that protected me from the harshness the darkness in space could truly offer me. I uncurled myself and watched as the barrier around me wrapped itself around my human shaped body. Blinking, I looked down at my naked form. I lifted my head as something soft touched my skin. Using my hands I brushed my fingers through my violet colored hair. 

It is time for you to come home. It is time to bring the Eight Light of Hopes together. Curiosity filling me, I spun around a few times to stare at my surroundings. Endless bright circles light the dark world I lived in. I turned my head towards something brighter: the sun. Following my eyesight I saw the other planets that orbited around it, as if worshiping its brightness. 

Discovering my voice, I whispered, "Home? What is my home? What are these beautiful lights that warm me so and provide light?" Unanswered questions floated around me. Feeling a strangely harsh pull, I turned my attention to the one planet that begun to turn pitch black. Black clouds covered its various colors of white, blue, and green. They are in need of your help. He has risen once more, my Goddess. 

A purple glow enveloped me. My head was filled with images of eight people; four females and four males. Each with their representing symbols and strengths. You are my Heir, Fiona. You are the Heir to the Throne of the Universe. You are the next successor to rule the powers the Universe has given me, Farron, and bring light to the people of this world. 

Fiona was my name. I opened the pair of brown colored orbs that I owned for my vision. Lifting my hand in front of me, a purple outline followed the curves and traces of my body. Naked no more I had become as clothing wrapped and formed around my body. Around my neck a purple choker had formed with the symbol of the Universe in the center. Wrapping itself around my pale colored skin a purple cape elegantly flowed out behind me. Underneath this cape a dress had formed. Colored it a light purple color, it held a simple fashion. On my forehead I felt the forming of a necklace type crown. Unsure of what it may have looked like, I imagined it to be colored in a fine gold coloring and the center piece being nothing fancy; perhaps a simple star. Silver colored boots had wrapped themselves around my small, yet delicate feet. Hearing a little bell sound, I looked down to see that around the ankle of the boots a star bracelet had formed. Pearls lined around the simple bracelet to signify my home: space. 

I heard the mysterious voice once more, Do not forget, my child. While you may be a Goddess you have your flaws. You are unlike those pure of light or those who dwell with the darkness. You are not pure light, nor are you pure darkness. You must always balance your emotions and the powers you use or else they will surely eat you whole. If you lean more to the darkness you have brought this world to destruction and allowed the Ruler of Darkness his pleasures. If you lean more to the light you have brought peace, but it will soften you and make it unbearable to make hard decisions. You must always try to be neutral, my child, and help the people of that world in their hour of need.

Knowing of my goal, I began to travel down to the world that apparently called for my help: Earth. 


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