seven: hello?

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Thursday, May 15th, 2015

7:00 AM      jared: Goodmorning! It's raining. ( I would add a sad face but you don't like them, right?)

12:32 PM   jared: I still haven't received your email yet Lia. Is everything okay where you are?

3:00 PM      jared: Hello?

10:00 PM   jared: Goodnight, get lots of rest.

Friday, May 16th, 2015

7:00 AM     jared: Goodmorning.

12:32 AM   jared: . . . 


Date: Friday, May 16, 2015



Subject: English Project Details

Hello Lia,

I hope your recovery with the chickenpox is a speedy and progressive one. Although you are down with a virus, you are still required to complete any assignments that you're capable of doing. Jared from your class has kindly expressed interest in partnering with you (which you are much aware of) and has explained to me that miscommunication is present from your end. Please make sure (and this is not just for Jared -- it's for you, too) that you hand in your group project by the due date. 

Best Regards,

Ms. P. Martin


Friday, May 16th, 2015

11:00 PM      me: jared you're such a tattletale omg

a/n: aww yeah

poor little jared. he'll be finally getting his toll.

thank you for reading, make sure you vote + comment !! <3 

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