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After about thirty minutes of Kennedy crying in my arms, she finally falls asleep. I carry her up to my room and gently remove her pants so she's not sleeping in uncomfortable jeans. She begins to shift around, then grabs onto a pillow and continues to sleep.

I check the time, its twelve thirty in the morning, I assume the boys are ready to leave so I leave once again, but grab a black shirt from my drawer so I am not walking through  house with a bunch of drunk people half naked.

The ride there is quiet, when I park a few feet from the house I see girls stumbling over their own feet and helping their friends to the car.


I exit the car and walk over to the front door, a few broken glass pieces are scattered around the ground, the smokey air has somewhat fanned out, but the smell of alcohol is more prominent. Numerous girls continue to leave the house in groups, some ready to puke, others trying to help their friend not pass out. I continue to walk through the house in attempt to find the boys.

Jack is in the corner of the kitchen near the bathroom, sweat dripping down his forehead, and screaming at some brown-haired guy about taking "his beer".

Jack, obviously, is an angry drunk.

He continues to scream, until Johnson appears and pushes him away. "Come on bro, you're drunk, lets go." He insists as he pulls on Jack's arm. I wave my hand in the air as I walk closer so Johnson sees me, he gives me a smile and continues to drag Jack towards me.

"Need help?" I yell because of the loud music, Johnson chuckles.

"I had to take care of him all night, he made out with three different girls." Johnson yells back.

How is this man ever going to get a real girlfriend? He can't stay faithful for three minutes.

Jack begins to yell at Johnson. "You fucking dick, get off of me!", I simply stare, because honestly I don't know how to help myself. I haven't seen Jack this drunk since our last spring break during college.

There, he had tequila for the first time and ended up practically getting arrested. If it wasn't for our friend who was familiar with the officer, Jack probably would've had a record by now.

I'm not sure why he gets so angry, he's not an angry person sober. Once you get past his disrespectful attitude towards women, he's actually a pretty good guy. Misunderstood by a lot of people, yes, but a bad guy? Not at all.

His parents are some rich couple that live up in the Hamptons. He rarely sees them, and rarely saw them through high school as well. He lived with the house keeper, Esmerelda, for most of his life. She had children of her own, but she always considered Jack to be a child of hers.

Whenever his parents came back from wherever it was that their money took them, they would ridicule Jack for any and everything he did. It got to a point where instead of spending holidays with them, he'd spend them with my family, and sometimes even Esmeralda's.

I feel bad for him sometimes. Okay, I may have not grown up with rich parents and the luxury of receiving everything I could've dreamed of, but I grew up. Jack on the other hand, was never able to. He never had anyone to help him do that, now, here he is, almost 25 years old, and can't do anything for himself.

But he has us. We'll stick with him until he figures it out; because that's what friends do. Yeah, he can be a dick to me, but he was there for me when I needed him. He always helped me branch out to new people, hell, he even gave me a talk about how to fuck a girl properly.

"Jack come on, bro. Lets just get out of here." I say to him as I grab his arm. He looks up at me and chuckles in a drunk fashion.

"Fucking, Shawn bro!" He yells. I can't help but smile at the slurish words. "You made it! Holy fucking shit I missed you so much bro. How's your relationship going?"

"It's going good, but we should go. Come on, Let me help you." I say as I help him stand up straight.

"Whatever you say, Shawny boy." He slurs. I finally get him to start walking towards the door, Johnson looks at me and mouths "thank you", then continues to follow us to the door.

"Is everyone here?" I yell, looking back to see Jack, Johnson and Cam following close behind me. Cam is high out of his mind, and only lord knows what Johnson is on. I chuckle to myself thinking about how I'm always the dad of the group. It may just be because I'm the lawyer, so I'm expected to be more mature, but I mean if you saw me at my party, you'd understand that I'm the exact same as these boys.

When we get to the car I help Jack to get into the back seat, and have Cam sit next to me in the passenger side. Johnson stays back and comforts Jack as he goes through his minor angry/upset episodes. "Just bring him to his room, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say as I park the car in the driveway.

"Where are you going?" Cam asks.

"No where, I'm just not responsible for him anymore" I reply, exiting the car. "And next time, I'm not designated driver." I mutter.

"It's my turn next time I think" Johnson says, helping Jack out the car. I nod as I enter the house and run upstairs.

I almost forgot Kennedy was here, I didn't even lock the door. However, she's still sleeping, so I don't think she would've even noticed.

I carefully begin to strip down my clothing until i'm left in nothing by my underwear. I move Kennedy over, then lay next to her, wrapping my arms around her upper waist.

I know this is wrong, and that thought would always linger through my mind. I mean, not only the age difference, but the difference in general. She sells herself to guys, and I fight against people like that.

But in this moment, none of that mattered. This actually just felt normal.

And I can get used to normal.


Omg i'm so sorry it took me so long to update, I hope i can update more soon!

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