49-3 Weeks../Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"Woah baby." he laughed as he held my waist and brought me into his lap as he moved so the duvet was covering us before placing me back at his side.

"I love you.." I can't physically remember telling him this so I decided that now is a better time than any.

"I love you too princess." he mumbled into my hair. We laid in contentment for a while, just happy to be in each other's arms.

I wondered for a second if Niall had fallen asleep as his breathing was evened out but that was soon dropped as I heard him mumble.

"I hate how you put yourself down baby, you're absolutely stunning and everyone can see it, some people just choose to bring you down even further because you're above them. I just hope that my opinion is enough of a reason for you to stop.." I was slightly confused about what he was talking about until his hand brushed over my wrists, the red lines were no older than 3 weeks, I remember it like it happened last night. I guess he thought that I was asleep. I could feel light, gentle kisses being left by Niall as he whispered words.









"Mine.." he placed one final kiss to my temple before he sighed and rested his head against mine.

-4 Hours Later-

I woke with a start. My heart pounded in panic as to what it was that made the noise and whether anyone was in danger. As the blur in my eyes cleared, I could see Robyn standing a few steps away from me with a wooden spoon and a cooking pot in her hands, I put 2 and 2 together and figured that she made the bang in an attempt to wake us up. Well it worked..

"What Robyn?" I groaned lowly, wiping my eyes to try and clear my vision more. Robyn simply smiled sweetly.

"Mum made you two some lunch before she headed out for work, and she gave us money for takeout tonight since she's likely not gunna be back before midnight." at the mention of food, Niall shot up quickly.

"I heard food?" Me and Robyn giggled as Niall developed a slight blush to his cheeks.

"Yeah, you can go down, I'll be there in a few." Niall didn't protest, he simply nodded before kissing me and leaping out of bed and running to the kitchen.

"I spoke to Connor.."

"So? What'd he say?" I beamed towards my sister and patted the place beside me. She got comfortable before continuing.

"He was weird at first, saying that it's my way of breaking up with him and he got kind of offended. I explained everything and he was fine, he completely understood." Robyn's smile almost broke her face.

"Aw that's good then.."

"Oh and I'm going away with Connor in January, I tried to change the dates because I wanted to spend some time with you when it's just us but Connor has already booked it."

"It's fine.."

"Something's bothering you.." She stated as she looked at me.

"No? I'm fine.." I trailed off, she just looked harder at me, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"There is..spill." she grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"It's the Christmas party that's coming up." I huffed. Robyn's face showed confusion.

Broken American Girl (Michael Clifford - 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now