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"So stupid..." I think to my self as I sit in the police station "probably won't be able to go back to work..." well come on how could you blame me? Is called ya look ya get punched in your stupid face! If that chick hadn't intervened you would be dead.. pervert...

A detective looking guy walked in while I was lost in thought.
"Ma'am?" He repeated he had probably been trying to get my attention for awhile.
"Oh sorry just lost in thought.." I mumbled.
"That's perfectly understandable miss" he said brushing of my behavior as just a ditzy blonde ramble.
"Really?? It is perfectly understandable floor you, a MAN to understand me, a WOMAN. Has any perv tired to look up your skirt recently?"
"Um no miss.. uh sorry.. listen," he said gaining his composure, " I am not with the police, I am with an organization that could use your help."
And that was when I first learned of support group. They wanted a smart pretty young woman who can kick ass to be the face and recruiter for a small division. It was in this moment I made the best decision of my young adult life. I was the first to join support group section 113A.


2 years of academy training and I was finally being called into an actual section. This was it. My big break. "Don't screw this up Jocelyn" I thought as I walked up to administration.
When I walked through the office doors there were already two people waiting a girl from my class and the academy director.
"Jocelyn of class 4412 agent in training number 850, reporting for duty." I slated as directly as I could manage.
"Jocelyn," the director greeted me. I had become one of his favorite students over the last two years. "Welcome come sit down"
I did as I was told and took the only remaining chair next to the girl from my class. She was taller than me and had hair that just went past her shoulders. She wore glasses and the same school uniform as me.
"This is Jayme I assume you two know each other. Good," he said with out waiting for our reply," you two are graduating and are going to be working together."
He explained our mission and handed us the files that kept all the info in them. Our mission was to start section 113A of support group. I was gonna be the one to actually talk to the people, like a spokes person. Jayme was going to organize it until we recruited our leader.
This was no problem for me. My acting skills are one of my best qualities. I don't know how well Jayme is with planning but if the director trusts her so do I.


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