"Back to Estonia," Adam said. If to think of it, the furniture did remind me his house in Estonia.

Then I remembered something else and my face went more serious. "Where's Siiri?"

They all looked a bit worried now. "She is downstairs," Adam finally said.

"She is here? Well, what does she think of this all?" I was confused again. Siiri hated deemotays. And now she is here? And what happened with other killers? Don't them and Siiri hunt Adam and Lucy anymore?

"It's harder for her to accept this. She feels guilty for what she has done to you. And now the shooting..." granny said and sighed. "It was an accident and she feels very bad about it. I'm not sure what she thinks about you becoming a deemotay, but she told others to stop the hunt. You two nor Lucy aren't in danger anymore."

I thought about her words. I was still angry with Siiri and I don't think I could forgive her. But I still felt like I needed to talk to her.

"Can I see her?"

I didn't get any answer soon "Are you sure you want to?" mum finally asked.

"I feel like I need to," I said thoughtfully.

"Should I come with you?" Adam asked.

"I can do it alone."

He shook his head. "No, I mean that should I come with to make sure you won't go very near her. One touch and she's dead. You can't control it yet."

It startled me. "I guess you can come then."

He nodded and directed me to the door. We passed a small corridor and made it to the stairs. There I already saw the familiar living room. And on the couch I saw Siiri who was reading something, though she didn't seem to be very interested in it. When seeing us she became tense. I noticed sadness in her eyes.

"I'll wait here," Adam whispered. I know he can teleport to me fast to stop me if something should happen. So I nodded and went slowly down the stairs.

"How do you feel?" she asked quietly.


She turned her look away. "I'm sorry. About everything." Then she looked down. "I understand if you won't forgive me."

I sighed. "Maybe one day. But I can't yet."

She nodded. "I can't forget the moment when I realized it was you... I thought I killed you." I knew she was still shocked because of that.

A short silence came between us.

"Thanks for ending this hunt," I finally said.

"I understood I had tortured you much. But it's your life. And because of me you are now... changed. You'll start a new life and I promise I won't step in it again." When she had said it, she stood up. "Now when I've seen you awake, I'll go. We'll see it if we'll meet again." Then she left.

Adam appeared next to me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Of course." All this was now over. We were both immortals and we could start a new life on our own. I turned to him to kiss him.

Later Adam showed me a few things I should know that came with being a deemotay. Of course I was now stronger and faster and had better senses. But I wasn't that fast as those vampires in new movies. Our running can be seen with human eyes.

Adam helped me a bit with teleporting. It seemed very difficult for me, but he said it'll get easier by time. It was hard to locate the place you wanted to go. First time I tried it, it went long before I could reappear only a step away. Only that I was about a foot higher from the ground, so I fell down. Luckily it wasn't too high... or too low.

I also finally understood this locating thing. Deemotays had something like a radar in their head, that detects all animals bigger than a mouse in about five to six kilometre radius. It was harder to locate Adam, even though he was right next to me. And I didn't spot Lucy at all. Adam said that deemotays are able to hide from other our kinds, but we have to train to make this ability better. Detecting other deemotays is also something to learn. They said Lucy was better at hiding then Adam, and Adam was better at finding than Lucy was. And I wasn't good at neither. At least not yet.

We were alone with Adam. It was about 4 pm now. We just came from forest, where Adam helped me with gaining energy. He had no problem with catching a deer without taking its energy. As I wasn't good at teleporting, I couldn't catch anything myself. Animals are harder to get close than humans.

Adam didn't need to teach me how to take energy. Though I was unsure about this thing at first. I also felt sorry for the deer. But when I touched it, it was like my mind collapsed. I felt strangely bliss. When I 'came back to earth' few seconds later, the animal wasn't moving anymore.

It was enough for this time.We came back walking. Adam had his arms around me.

"Now you're free," he said and smiled. "Where would you like to go?"

"You mean where to live?"

"Live, have a vacation... Whatever you'd like. Now matter what part of the world. And you can choose."

No matter where? It seemed so not real. "Let me think about it," I told him.

"But anything you'd like to do before leaving?"

There was one thing. "I'd like to see my friends. Sara and others."

"Their school day is now over, right?"

I nodded. "I think it just ended."

"Then let's go." We stopped and he turned to face me, now putting his both hands around my waist. He smiled and kissed me shortly, before it all went blurry. Then we were somewhere else. But still in the woods. Teleporting was much easier when Adam did it with me.

I found that we were in the woods next to our school. Lessons had just ended and when we came out from forest, I saw many my schoolmates in front of the school. Many on them stopped whatever they were doing when seeing us. Some's mouth fell open in surprise. Not only was I missing for so long, now I came out almost like nowhere with the hottest guy in our school. I smiled.

I saw my friends, who watched us approach. It was sad to think that this might be the last, or maybe at least last time for a long while when I see them. I really hope it isn't the last time. But I had an eternal life with Adam ahead. This thought filled my with deep happiness.


This was the last part of this story. If some of you think it was a too sudden end, then I agree. It was just my first story ever. I have thought about making a second part for this, but I'm not completely sure yet. But if I do, then it might take a while.

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