Avery shook her head, climbing out of the car eagerly. "I was literally saying earlier how much I wanted chicken nuggets and my dad yelled at me about it."

Michael let out a disbelieving laugh because he was now virtually convinced that Avery was the perfect girl for him.

"I just need to warn you in advance that I dip my fries in my shake and if that grosses you out we probably aren't going to get along all that well." She told him while they were waiting in line to order.

"It's only gross if you get a chocolate shake." He replied, looking at her and waiting for her response.

"Ew, no." She scrunched up her face and shook her head. "It has to be a strawberry shake. Always. No questions about it."

"I think we're going to get along just fine trouble." He sent her a playful wink and bumped his shoulder against hers.

They ended up sharing a shake (which was actually really cute and not at all weird like it should have been because they had literally not even known each other for 24 hours) and the whole meal was pretty entertaining.

Michael had never seen anyone get excited about chicken nuggets before but it was beyond adorable when Avery's eye lit up as she opened up and began to devour her food. Michael caught himself thinking that one day he hoped he'd be able to make her eyes light up like that but for now he'd settle just for being able to see her happy (even if it was because of chicken nuggets). She'd started day dreaming at one point so Michael threw one of his fries at her, and of course she repeated the action in retaliation.

They ended up in tears from laughing so hard as they tried to throw fries into each other's mouths , and after one of her fries had majorly missed and hit Michael in the eye he'd demanded a kiss to make up for it. Avery, being the smart ass she was, got really close to his face and Michael started to freak out because holy crap was she actually about to kiss him? But in the end she just kissed her finger tips and pressed them to Michael's eye.

Eventually they left McDonalds and Michael took her to this small-ish arcade that he used to go to a lot when he was a kid. The plan was to try and impress her, even just a little bit, with his skills at various games but it kind of back fired when she beat him in almost all of the games (Michael was still convinced that the only reason she'd won air hockey was because she'd leant over the table just enough for him to get a good look down her top at her boobs which had distracted him just long enough for her to score the winning goal).

She even used all the tickets she'd won to get a small stuffed lion. She tried to be funny by giving it to Michael and he tried to be cute by giving it back to her.

"But you're supposed to keep the toy because I won it. That's how this works." She told him with a laugh while he was driving them to their final stop of the night.

"Yeah, but I'm the guy. Societal norms say that I'm supposed to give you the toy Avery." He retorted, a small smile playing on his lips because he already had an idea where this conversation was going.

"So, tell me if I've got this right; if I give you Daniel the lion, it undermines your masculinity?"

Michael let out a loud laugh because who calls a stuffed lion Daniel? But then he shook his head before responding to her. "No, not at all. My masculinity is totally intact, regardless of who ends up with Daniel the lion. What I'm saying is, I want you to have something to remind you of our first date."

"Nice save." Avery muttered, suddenly more interested in where they were than the conversation they were having. "Where are we anyway?"

"You'll see in a minute."

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