Angela I

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Angela smiled as her school came into view, her straight black hair that hung off her shoulders fell down her back as she kicked some snow with her boot.

Bade Middle School was perfect in no way possible, but she loved it.

She loved how there weren't many kids in a grade; twenty-three was in her's. Or how none of the teachers forgot their name. Or the fact that they didn't care what religion you were, because it'd simply be stupid, seeing as America was the most diverse country in the world.

She waved at a few familiar faces, saying the usual, "Hey!" Or "What's up?".

She didn't feel cold at all, though she was only wearing a sweater, some non-winter boots, a shirt and a pair of skinny jeans for protection against the cold, but her skin was freezing. Of course, that wasn't new. Even if she were wearing a heavy jacket, snow boots, gloves, a scarf, a hat, and every other known clothing for the cold, she'd probably still be cold.

She knew she was abnormal, one thing was her piercing red eyes, which her doctors assured was a amber, though they were more towards the copper color of amber. They said it was rare of her to have it, mostly because her mother had black eyes, though the doctors had said it was a midnight dark brown, and her father had hazel. The two most common colors in the world, and she turned out with amber. It was a one in a billion kind of rare, since as far as both her parents and grandparents could remember, none of her ancestors had any other color than brown or amber. Another abnormality was her high metabolism, which burned off just about anything that entered her system, making her skinny, even though she ate way too much. Her pale skin and black hair were, thankfully, from her mother. But, for some odd reason, her skin had a tendency to turn tan when it was Autumn and Winter.

She sighed, puffing up a small cloud of air, as she waited patiently at the entrance of the school for her best friend, Nate, as she always did in the morning.

Nate was a full blown gothic emo kind of type, though he would never consider himself that, who moved to this not-so-humble city of New York right smack in the middle of the school year in 5th grade. It's hard to make friends when you just show up like that, not knowing anyone. You kind of make your 'cliques' in the beginning of the year. He was just eating alone at a lunch table, so she thought, why not? After that, they hit it off, liking and doing some of the same things. Most of that being video games.

She peered closer to a familiar black Nissan as it drove up the main entrance of the school.

As the person inside came out of the car, she had expected to see his usual messy black hair. Instead, she had seen something worse than his morning hairdo.

"Nate, what in the world are you wearing?!" She laughed as her best friend waved good-bye to his mom. His mother drove off, a wave of snow showering down on Nate and a couple of others as she left in a hurry, not bothering to stop.

"Shut up, Angela!" He whispered harshly as brushed off some snow, walking inside the school together. "My mom said I had to."

He was wearing the most hideous throw up green hat in the world. It had a camouflage design that just mixed in more horrible colors to make it worse than it could have been.

"Why? Does she hate you?" She asks, laughing a bit harder.

"Angie!" He says as he searched for sympathy in her eyes, finding none. "My mom said it was too cold, since it's, well, snowing. And then, she said all my normal winter hats, she meant my beanies by the way, were in the laundry. So she threw me my brother Mark's old lucky hat, the one he wore when he won that pie eating contest in college and he deemed, and I quote, 'exceptionally lucky'." Nate rolled his eyes in annoyance.

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