Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: Wow, here it is. The last chapter, never thought I'd even finish it. 

Anyway, I've posted an author's note and some information (mainly a character list) along with this one so I don't have to write a huge thanks and whatnot here.

But thank you :)

Caysie. x


Chapter Thirty-Four

"I don't think America could possibly handle our drama," Pigeon stated, waving his cardboard coffee cup in the air as he did so. 

Finlay stared at the cup as it moved, but then focused on the window behind it. It was one of the large, typical airport windows where you can see the aeroplanes as they land and move around on the ground. The sky was clear today, still white with the cold air but there was no dark clouds nevertheless.

"Believe me," Joel replied, another head facing away from the window on Finlay's opposite side, "America has enough drama itself."

Finlay chuckled because Joel was right. He thought briefly back to the last time they had visited, his band without Novelty, and the corners of his lips twitched a bit. His mind was a collage of memories that showed broken down buses, mis-matched clothing and extravagant food that deserved awards for originality.

"That bad?" Derek's voice slightly shook from the left of Finlay. It had been clear since he had first seen him this morning that he was apprehensive. Not only was Derek a little worried about aeroplanes, but he had also never been to America. None of Novelty had, for a tour anyway, but the majority of them seemed quite excited.

"No, it's great really," Timothy assured him before Joel could start to tease, "easier than Europe, not as many languages to pick up on."

That was true, in a sense. In America, noone was required to learn any basics of any other language. When touring Europe, it was helpful to know at least a little bit of native vocabulary, even if staying for only one day. That wasn't a problem in America. However, Finlay could still recall their first time touring there five years ago. That had been the toughest three weeks of his life, the crowds only came because it was something to do, or were super fans, because they weren't even that well-known in England. In the long-run, foreign crowds were always hard to please on your first visit, but Finlay had no doubt that their support would do fine.

Todd, Chester and Jay had disappeared about ten minutes ago, and noone had a clue where they were. Their flights were scheduled to leave in an hour, and they'd probably have to be at the gate in thirty minutes, so Finlay hoped they would be back soon.

Luckily, they were ready to go. Finlay, Timothy and Jay had made numerous trips in two cars to retrieve and store equipment earlier on, whilst Joel checked in and Ryan made a flustered phone-call to their manager, Paul. Apparently, he thought that they had decided against touring due to Hayley's death, but failed to actually ask them about it. Ryan was furious on the phone, because Paul was absolutely useless at times and failed to understand simple things, but at the same time he was practically one of the family. 

Now Paul would have to catch the next flight out, since he was too late for check-in, but he had already paid for his ticket and seat along with everyone else. Ryan's face had been hilarious when he had found out he wouldn't be here. It seemed like only a small hiccup, but not having their manager there was a huge deal when getting the equipment after the flight. Finlay guessed they would just have to wait, and catch up with Novelty afterwards.

"I'm gonna get another drink," Ryan said to Finlay's right and half-stood up before asking, "anyone want one while I'm there?"

A murmur stirred between everyone, Adelia being the only person to give a clear yes while everyone else was unclear. Ryan rose completely, and looked to Finlay for his answer first. He shook his head, and Ryan left a few seconds later after it turned out only Adelia and Joel wanted one.

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