Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Okay, so I seriously feel little to none pride in this chapter, hence why I'm posting next chapter in about twenty minutes.

Oh, and one mention of sex and very small implications of it. I'm sure noone cares, but y'know.

Caysie. x


Chapter Twenty-Nine

To anybody who asked or gave it a thought, the first time Finlay and Jay met was at a small underground club that they had both sneaked into illegally.

Just like every other weekend, after teenage Finlay and Timothy had found each other's tastes were similar, they'd somehow manage to slide in a backdoor or make a fake ID so they could spend the night in town.

These clubs that they went to were in a minority, there was only four  around the area that they even knew about, and one of them closed down mere weeks after their first visit.

The remaining three were known, amongst those who actually payed attention to posters plastered on ally walls, as home to a particularly good collection of garage rock, shoegaze and electronic records. All of these genres which Timothy and Finlay loved.

One of these clubs in particular, Finlay's favourite, ran every Saturday night and was more than often a host to aspiring DJs, some regular, some one-off.

As it so happens, one of these regular DJs happened to be rather knowledgeable in sixties psychedelia, a trait which impressed Finlay, though his colourful shirts and prominent facial features put him off the sight of him a little. His appearance was all too sharp and shaped, and it was somehow a little nauseous. They would often talk after his set, and they were of similar age, Finlay being about two and a half years younger.

This man was not Jay, though. This psychedelia enthusiast was none other than Ryan Waters himself.

So before the band had even started, before anything had started, Ryan and Finlay had already met. As had Timothy, he had met the gangly-limbed DJ too when Finlay often pulled him over for conversations, though they didn't particularly leave any impression on each other initially.

Jay was the fourth of the group to join, you could say, and Finlay remembers the very moment they met well. Too well for his own comfort, that night was pretty well-drilled into his head. However, what Jay believes to be their first meeting is a completely different story, and a completely different night.

According to Jay, and what Finlay lets everyone else believe, they had both met at the very club that Ryan worked at. It's a very boring story, mainly consisting of Jay bumping into Finlay as he was coming out of the toilets and knocking his wallet out of his grasp. Jay would then proceed to pick it up, see that Finlay had a gig ticket stashed into one of the slots, one that Jay had attended himself, and they would end up conversing for the whole night about their shared experience.

This was actually the second time that had met, and Finlay had recognised him straight away.

The first had been only a week or so before. Like Jay's version, it was still at a club, but this was a different one down the road, and Finlay was alone tonight since Timothy had to look after his little brother.

It was raining, pouring in fact, and Finlay was starting to feel water in the tips of his toes. Standing outside wasn't doing him any favours, but he wasn't particularly having a great time inside, so he would have to endure the rain. There was just too many people cramped into one room tonight, so he had subconsciously ended up moving closer to the back door and stepped out when it was reached.

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