Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: A long chapter full of idle man chit-chat today... Unedited, and written within an hour and a half. I got too impatient.

I should also mention: 

-there's one use of a word that's sometimes used offensively to imply homosexuality, I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm not homophobic... 

-brief mention of drugs, very small.       -references to sex, nothing extreme.      -I have no prejudice against Courtney Love.         -And swearing of course.

I wouldn't even bother noting these things before hand usually, but I've seen people get angry at the tiniest use of them so y'know, better safe than sorry.

Caysie. x


Chapter Twenty-Eight

The first thing that Joel said, or enthused rather, when he eagerly squashed his body between Ryan and Finlay was, "her's name's Maria, and she looks exactly like Snow White."

Everyone seemed to look up from their hunches in sync; Finlay, Ryan, Todd and Chester, and  they stared, without saying a word, at Joel who still had a sheepish smile plastered on his face.

"Fucking Snow White, guys," he emphasised and then leaned his head back against the window, looking defeated, before simply stating, "she's gorgeous."

A round of deep murmurs stirred across the four men, and they all stared giving Joel similar looks of interest and nods of the head.

Today, Joel's last day of being twenty-seven, had been a pretty good one so far. Timothy had suggested yesterday that they all head further into the city for a day of pointless loitering and record-shopping. Of course things didn't work out in the end, seeing that not everyone could make it. Timothy himself ended up absence from the journey, as did three-fifths of Novelty.

"So, did you get her number then?" Chester asked suggestively from across the aisle to Joel, Finlay and Ryan, the female subject of the conversation obviously being the girl Joel had just met.

When they were waiting on the subway platform, Joel had tugged at Finlay's jacket as he stared in the opposite direction. It took Finlay a good few seconds to notice what Joel was looking at, a tall curvy girl with a nineteen-fifties short hair-do.

From the back, she looked like a pretty girl, but that's all Finlay had got to see of her. Joel, however, must have been looking for longer because he was still staring in that direction like he'd never seen a women before.

Finlay had told him to hurry up if he was going to make a move, since she looked like she was heading into the the station rather than out of it like they were, and their train would be here any minute.

And that's what Joel did. He went over, and even when the subway came he did not return until they had already sat down inside of it.

"Hello," Todd sang deeply in an attempt to rescue Joel's attention from elsewhere, "did you get her number?"

The subway was surprisingly empty, only three other people were in the same compartment, but somehow the five men in the group still managed to spread themselves out to take up the majority of the seats. This wasn't true for Joel though, who was still uncomfortably pressed into the space between Ryan and Finlay.

However, Finlay shifted aside when Joel raised his arms to try and shift one of his jacket sleeves up his arm. Under the material was his ever-milky skin, but something red was smeared down the whole of his forearm. He stuck his whole limb into the aisle and the four observers all scrambled closer to see.

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