I Will Forever Love You

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Kaito's POV

"I regret what I said to Miku... I regret... I'm a useless guy..."

I sighed. I never thought Miku would really kill herself. But the weird thingy is... the corspe, the blood nor body parts were not there.

"Kaito! Neru is waiting for you outside! Kaito!"

My mother knocked the door like several times already. I decided to went outside. My heart actually refused but the knocking makes me feel annoyed.

"Coming, mother..."

I opened the door and saw mother in her outing dress. What the hell?! Is she planning to take me and Neru go shopping for our wedding attire?

"You looked shocked, hun. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, mother."

"Well... I'm planning to go shopping with Mrs Akita. So, you'll be alone with Neru when we're gone. You will have so much fun with her!"

"What?! How come, mother? Shouldn't you bring her with you together? What will people think about us living alone in this huge house without having reliationship with each other?"

"You'll marry her sooner or later. Just remember that... Oh... don't you remember we have maids and butlers already. Tata, hun."

Not cool, mother. Not cool.


"Kaito? It's me, Neru. Please open this door so we can have privacy with each other."

Ugh! I bet mother had left us both alone for now... I'll just pretend that I'm asleep for now. I bet she will never know.


A message? I opened my phone and saw [1 unread message] from my friend, Kagamine Len.

Hey, Kaito-nii! I want to tell you about something! It's very important.

I replied his message quickly.

What it is, Len-kun?

I saw Miku fell from a telecommunication tower hours ago. Luckily, she's alive. I saved her and sent her to the hospital. Unfortunately, now, she forgot almost everything.

Miku lost her memory? This is bad...

Len, what hospital is she in?

Tokyo International Hospital.

Thanks, Len. Oh yeah, you never told me that Miku was your cousin.

You knew?!

Of course, Len. She told me.


"Kaito... It's Neru-chan."

I still ignored Neru. I opened the window of my room quietly so Neru won't notice. I went outside of my house without anyone noticing.

I ran towards the hospital as fast as I could. Thank goodness the hospital wasn't that far.

I entered the hospital and saw Rin, Len's twin sister waiting for someone I guess...

"Hey, Rin... Where's Len?"

"Oh... Hey, Kaito. He's going to buy some food for Miku."

"Where's Miku's room?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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