Chapter 6: Bee's POV

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What's going on with Straub? I'm really worried about him. I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but something's definitely wrong.

After I left his room, I went back downstairs and had dinner with the rest of the guys. I could tell they were curious about the whole situation, but they had the sense to keep quiet for now.

We talked a bit about tomorrow's Disney Land trip, which I was super pumped for. I was a total Disney kid when I was younger. After dinner, we hung out a bit more and then I went to bed a little on the early side. I'll need all the energy I can get tomorrow.


I woke up the next morning and got ready at top speed. I decided to wear shorts and a mickey mouse shirt I'd ordered online. I also really want a pair of those mouse ears, but I'll have to wait until we arrive to get them.

I came downstairs to find Straub laying out another massive breakfast.

"Woah, you didn't have to do all this!" I exclaimed as I sat down next to Parker and Rusher. Straub just smiled.

"Cooking helps me feel better," he mumbled as he walked past, so only I could hear. I nodded and took a bite.

"Well, it turned out great. You should become a chef!" I said. Everybody laughed.

"Yeah, come over to my place and make me pizza Straub!" Graser shouted.

After breakfast, we split up into 3 cars and set off to the park. We planned on spending the whole day there, and we want to hit all of the little sections. First would be Main Street USA, obviously, and then Adventureland and Frontierland. After that, there's Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, New Orleans Square, Critter Country, and finally, Mickey's Toon Town. I can't wait to get started!

The drive seemed to take forever, and I felt like a little kid asking how long it'll take to get there. Finally, we pulled into the massive parking lot and started towards the entrance. The ticket booth lady gave us our passes and stamped our hands with those special black light stamps. Straub seemed amazed.

"Alright gang, let's do this!" Dfield yelled. Everyone cheered in response, and we started off towards the first attractions.

The first ride we went on was the Jungle Cruise. I thought the jokes were pretty corny, but I guess that's the point. Graser was laughing his head off though. Afterwards, we did Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. Straub made it a point to step on the forbidden eye as many times as possible.

Next up was Frontierland and Fantasyland. I got my mouse ears at a stand near Cinderella's Castle and we took a group photo before heading to lunch at the Blue Bayou. I loved how dark it was in there, it's like a real pirate hideout. I also enjoyed the glowing neon ice cubes, even though they're supposedly for "kids".

The rest of the day went by in a flash. Space Mountain was great, and so was Splash Mountain (even though I got pretty soaked at the end). Before I knew it, we were in line for the ferris wheel at Paradise Pier, the last ride of the day. I paired up with Straub, and we got into the little cart. When we started moving up, I was reminded of "The Wheel in the Sky" from the car last night.

"Hey Straub, it's the actual wheel in the sky!" I said, smiling. To my surprise, his face suddenly fell.

"What's the matter? Did I say something?" I asked, suddenly worried. Straub shook his head.

"'s not your fault. I'm just stupid is all," he muttered.

"Mitchell Straub, I don't ever want to hear you say that again, okay? You're not stupid. You're sweet, and kind, and understanding, and smart, and-" He cut me off.

"I wish that was true," he said sadly. "I'm not smart. I didn't even graduate!"

It was like a switch was turned on inside me. I suddenly understood what this was all about: Straub not finishing school.

"So what? Grades don't define intelligence. You made the best decision you could at the time, and you're doing just fine without a diploma," I reasoned.

At this point, he was almost crying. It absolutely broke my heart.

"It's's just like the whole world is against me. Fate has had me marked down for failure ever since I was born. I'll never be able to accomplish anything," he sobbed, now fully in tears.

Something came over me right about then, and I leaned over and kissed him. To my surprise, he kissed me back. We probably looked ridiculous, crying and making out on the top of a ferris wheel in the happiest place on Earth. But in that moment, I couldn't care less.

I leaned back, breathing heavily. Straub looked at me, emotion brimming in his eyes.

"That was...amazing," he said.

"So are we, um, a thing now?" I asked nervously as the cart began moving towards the ground.

"I would enjoy that, Queen Bee," Straub said, pecking me on the cheek one last time.

We got off the wheel, and met up with the rest of the group. By some miracle, none of them had noticed anything. We decided to walk through Cinderella's Castle one more time, and get some ice cream or something. Straub and I walked a bit behind the rest of the group, and I pep talked him a little more. I just want him to know that I'll be behind him no matter what. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

This really is the place where dreams come true.

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