Chapter 4: Bee's POV

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Nearly 14 hours later, we finally landed in the Los Angeles airport. LAX I think it's called? Who even cares. After the usual traffic jam getting off the plane, Straub and I started scanning the area for cube members. A few of the guys had texted me on the plane to say they'd be waiting with a "surprise". I just hoped it wasn't too violent or embarrassing.

"COW LOCATED AHEAD, I REPEAT, COW LOCATED AHEAD!" Straub shouted. Brayden AKA TheCampingRusher was running at us holding a large poster with "Welcome to America!" written in messy block letters.

He bro-fisted Straub and I, and handed us the poster.

"H and TYBZI made this and told me to give it to you. They aren't the best artists, but they put a ton of time into it so act like it's a masterpiece alright boys?" Rusher said, and then looked at me. "Oh, and girl," he added on awkwardly. I chose to ignore this.

"It's great! Where's everyone else?" Straub asked.

"H, TYBZI, and Dfield are currently crouching behind that pillar waiting to jump scare you," Rusher said mischievously. "I ditched them at the last minute though because I felt like blowing their cover"

He grinned as the rest of the guys come out from behind the pillar.

"Really dude? We were gonna get them good!" TYBZI complained. Dfield and H took turns ruffling Straub's shaggy hair and fist bumping us.

"Oh, and don't think I didn't hear you ripping on our amazing artistic skills!" H said. We all laughed and started toward the exit. I'd had enough of airports for one day.

Once we'd made it through the maze of people, we caught a bus to the cube house. It was warm out, but not too warm. The perfect weather for a perfect day. Before I knew it, we were pulling into the driveway. I'd barely got out of the car before a wave of people came running out the door. Parker even jumped out the front window.

"OOOSHKABADOOSHKA MOLITIKA!!!" Graser screeched. Conclusion: he is exactly the same IRL as he is online. We all got thrown into a crazy group hug resulting in multiple people being slammed against the car door. Why do guys greet each other so violently?

"Hey Bee, hey Straub, hey Hberm, hey TYBZI, hey Dfield, hey everyone else!" Parker panted. He was wearing the famous ugly PAX prime hoodie again. Straub and I hadn't been able to go to PAX prime, so this was our first time meeting everyone. It was also going to be our first time doing a fan meetup, something of which I was both terrified and excited for.

Everyone migrated inside the house, and we started divvying up bedrooms. I got one to myself since I'm the only girl. If only Dul wasn't busy being a slave to college...

Straub and Grape are across the hall from me. I can't help but be excited about this, even though I'm still confused about my feelings toward Straub. What if he's just a really good friend and I'm making a big deal over nothing? I don't want to ruin our friendship over stupid girl drama. I'm just gonna lay low about this whole issue for now.

After unpacking my suitcase and setting up my bed, I came down to the living room area to find Graser and Rusher dragging a large cardboard box across the floor. It had a picture of one of those inflatable pools for little kids.

I looked at them and laughed.

"Are you guys seriously gonna go in that thing? It's made for toddlers!" I told them.

"What, it's like a million degrees in here!" Graser said. I looked at them skeptically.

"Well, it is for us Canadians" Rusher supplied.

They took it out to the backyard and started trying to blow it up. Key word: trying. I watched them struggling to keep air in it for a while, and then took pity on them and went and got an air pump. Once it'd been blown up enough, Straub came out and filled it with the hose. Once it was full, he started spraying everyone in the vicinity.

Within seconds, a full blown water fight had erupted. Somebody found a bag of water balloons, Graser and Rusher dumped the entire pool onto Straub's head, and he continued blasting everyone with the hose. Parker, Dfield, and I raided the garage and found a bucket of water guns. It was complete chaos, and was totally immature, but I loved it.

We kept on soaking each other until we ran out of energy and everyone collapsed on the lawn. I smiled and shot the last bit of water at Straub.

"I am so gonna get you back for that, Mitchell Straub!" Rusher said after a while. A collective "Ooooh!!" spread across the yard.

"He used your full name, that's how you know you're screwed" I told Straub. He laughed and wrung out his dripping hair. I did the same and went inside for a change of clothes.

We wrapped up the night by ordering a pizza (Graser's idea, of course), and having a movie night. I sat by Straub and spent more time watching him than the movie. Despite my promise that I'd keep my distance, I just can't keep my eyes off him. I wonder if he feels the same way...

Everyone else fell asleep pretty quickly, but it still felt like morning to Staub and I. Crazy Australian time zones and such. We ended up going up to our rooms around 2 AM California time. I almost said something as he walked up the stairs, but I didn't.

"Shy old Bee could never be that bold" I thought to myself as I followed him. Needless to say, my dreams were troubled that night.

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