Chapter 1. New Wolf On The Block

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It's my first day of senior year and I honestly don't give a crap. School sucks and so do my parents. They want me to become a doctor or a lawyer when I'm older but I said "fuck it, I'm a werewolf I can do whatever I want."

My parents are so strict and always ground me for no reason, but I always sneak out of my house to hang out with my stoner friends. I know it sounds bad but they're actually quite fun and they get me.

"Come downstairs and have breakfast." My mom shouted from downstairs.

I finished deciding my outfit and stepped out of my walk in closet and turned off the chandelier in it. Then I went back in my room and grabbed my school bag. Next, I strolled out of my room and walked past the expensive abstract paintings hanging on the walls and headed down the pristine white oakwood staircase. As I got down the stairs, I walked towards the dining room and sat down on the large mahogany table with the rest of my family. My dad, my mom and my little sister Camilla. She's such a brat.

In a few seconds, the maids walked in and placed our breakfast in front of us. They lifted up the lids to reveal a golden French toast with scrambled eggs on the side. Set out on the table in front was a fruit bowl with melon, watermelon, grapes and other fancy fruit with complicated names.

Now, you're probably wondering why my house seems like a mansion. Thats because it is. My dad is the Alpha and I'm his daughter. My dad is also the Mayor and the richest guy in town and we're the only family that lives in a mansion. It's a bit embarrassing because my friends can never relate to my rich people problems. But I don't usually talk to my friends about my problems, I just drink and smoke pot.

"Is that what you're wearing on your first day of school?" My dad asked and eyes the biker jacket and chains I was wearing.

"So what? I can wear whatever I want." I replied carelessly.

"You could at least dress nice." My mom joined in.

"Who asked for your opinion?" I glared at her.

"Don't talk to your mother like that!" My dad growled. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"You're hair and outfit looks hideous. No one would think you're one of us." Camilla, my annoying little sister, chirped in.

"Why don't you go fu-" I was about to flip off my sister but my dad gave me the death glare.

Camilla just smirked at me. She always gets what she wants. I'm not surprised that she didn't get told off for calling me hideous.

"You know what, I'm done." I slammed my fork down and stormed out of the dining room.

"She's always doing this." I heard my mother mumble as I walked out.

This is a regular day at the Mason household. Everyone gangs up on me at breakfast which results in me storming out.

I paced outside and waiting for me was my driver, Harold. I just wanted to be alone but I forgot that I had a driver that takes me to school in a limousine every morning. Although I've had a driver since I was 3 years old, people still seem to stare when I pull up into the school gates.

But they're always surprised when they seem me stepping out of the limo. I don't exactly look like I live in a mansion and my dad is the Alpha. I look more like a kid who ran away from home and is living off $20 every week. But I don't really care what people think of me.

As I stepped out of the car, I was greeted by Maci and Kevin and Jake. My stoner buddies. They're the only friends I have.

I bet you didn't see that coming. Stereotypically, a rich girl who comes from a posh family has a million friends. Well, that's just in the movies.

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