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[Name] sighed as she set her book down. Recently, she has been stressed out because of college midterms coming up and she hasn't studied one bit. [Name] looked around the park she is currently in to see various people sitting down or taking a walk. They all seem stress free.

There was a heterosexual couple that were sitting near a fountain. The women was distressed and crying softly. The man had a sad smile as he engulfed her in a hug. The women visibly seemed to calm down.

[Name] sighed again. She really needed a hug. Actually, [Name] really needs a friend to help her out in such a stressful situation. Instantly, her thoughts went to Kaneki Ken, an old friend; a recent crush.

[Name] stood up and headed towards Anteiku to see her black haired friend. The sudden urge to see Kaneki took over her body. They have known one another for years, yet they only share hugs on holidays. [Name] treasures those moments dearly.

[Name] opened the door of Anteiku and smiled softly as the smell of coffee touched her nose. She is a regular here so the staff all know the college girl and her affiliation with Kaneki.

"Welcome [Name]-chan," Touka said with a smile, "what can I do for you?"

[Name] blushed slightly, "Is Kaneki-kun here?"

Touka replied, "Oh you just missed him. He said he was going to go visit you."

                [Name]'s heart pounded vigorously as her face turned red, "Thank you Touka-chan." [Name] rushed out and quickly went home.

As [Name] arrived at her apartment complex, she noticed someone standing in front of her door. As she walked closer, she recognized the man to be Kaneki Ken. [Name] began to breathe heavily, trying to catch her breath.

Kaneki finally realized she was there and turned his head, "Ahh [Name]-chan, I was loo-- oomph," [Name] interrupted Kaneki by engulfing him in a hug. She nuzzled against his chest.

Kaneki's face turned cherry red as he slowly hugged back. Kaneki wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on the top of her head.

Kaneki did not question the sudden action. With the simple hug, he felt her strong emotions and vice versa.

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