Chapter 1: Hunters

Start from the beginning

Okay, that's it.

My right leg and arms go up at the same time. I grab his gun and my foot gets him where the sun doesn't shine, causing him to lurch forward. I shove him backwards with my feet and quickly stand, aiming my gun at him.

The other boy, whom I assume is his brother because of their resemblance, aims a shotgun at me.

I sigh and turn the safety on the gun, tossing it away from us all, and tell the boy, "My name is Britt, and I think you need more practice."

"You're not a Hunter?" The younger boy asks.

"No. Wait, what's a Hunter?" I ask.

"You're lying." The older boys retorts, standing from the ground.

I growl in irritation, "Look you little Brat, I could have killed you, but I didn't. I can tell the long story if you want to hear it, but I don't have time. I need to find my friends."

The older boy takes the shotgun from the younger one, pointing it at me from a distance this time, "You're not leaving, not until I hear a story. A detailed one."

I roll my eyes and sit down.

- - - - -

"Wow," The older boy comments to himself as he lowers his gun. After the long story of how I got here in a helicopter, he now believes me, "Sorry, we just can't trust anyone."

I shrug, "I know how you feel, but I would feel better if you untied me now."

He nods and undoes the complex knot from the rope, letting me go. I lean back on the desk and ask, "Did you see where my friends went?"

"They headed West, Infected were tailing them." He reply's.

"You mean Grounders?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah, I guess, down here we call them Infected. Anyways, I'm Collin, that's my little brother Dylan."

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm fifteen, Dylan is twelve." He reply's. Huh, I was right.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"We were born into it. No one knows how it happened in the first place. All we know is people started to go wild, biting other people, turning them crazy too. We never asked our parents when it happened, but it was a long time ago. I thought you said fear and stress trigger it?" He asks.

"In my experiment it did. I guess it was altered so that it goes through the blood stream. We were in that place much, much longer than I thought. Where's your parents?" I ask.

"They're m gone." He say's firmly.

I nod my head and change the subject, "Look, I have to find my friends." I get up to leave but Collin grabs my arm.

"You can't, you won't make it five feet from here." He warns.

"Why?" I ask.

He sighs, "During the day Hunters patrol, they'll kill you. There's too many of them and they have vehicles. During the night, Infected come out as well as the bigger creatures. You don't have a chance. There are quarantine zones, but they're very strict and you can't leave once you get there. They're actually quite harsh."

"Then how do you guys travel?" I ask.

"We run the second the sun peaks over the horizon, only for an hour. Then we have to hide again. Almost got caught by a few Hunters the other day." He reply's.

"Look, I've been through more creatures than you can count or even dream up. I think I'll leave tonight." I growl and take a seat again.

"But you weren't alone. You will be this time." He comments. I look at him. I didn't think about that; I won't have back up this time.

"Then I'll leave in the day." I retort.

"You'll have to have some serious stealth to get past these guys. Look, where are you trying to get to?" He asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. Usually we leave coded messages to get together. Talon was bound to leave one."

"I'll make a deal with you." He offers.

I raise an eyebrow, "And what is that?"

"I'm trying to get to my Uncle's. It's in the West. If you can find out where you are supposed to go, we can help you get there. In turn, when you find your friends, you help me get my brother to my Uncle's house. It should be safe for him there." He offers, but I can hear the 'begging for help' sound in his voice.

I nod, "I take it I'm on my own on finding the flier." I groan to myself, knowing Talon will post something around the city.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not putting my brother in danger." He explains.

"It's okay, I understand," I sigh, "Give me a few days so I can find the flier, poster, or something."

"Here," He hands me a loaded pistol, "Get back before dark. Good luck."

I nod, "Yeah, thanks."

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