"She's going to die of blood loss soon enough."

My breathing hitches a little as I hear the gallop of hooves. I try to keep my eyes open, but it's hard, as if I hadn't slept in five days. I guess that's partly true. The past few nights I had gotten maybe three hours of sleep on a good night.

It must have been ten minutes before I couldn't keep awake any longer, even though it felt like hours.

"Tori. Tori! Wake up. Come on, Sunshine. Don't die on me now." A warm hand is placed on my shoulder, the other on my stomach. "Do you have a cloth or something?"

Whatever it is, it gets tightly wrapped around my wound, a little too tight as I let out a groan. "Blake?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. You're going to be okay." My eyes blink open. His smiling face is just above mine.

"I thought you were dead," we both say. "Come on, we have to go save Finn," Bellamy continues. His curls tickle my cheek as he picks me up with ease. I moan in pain as my shoulder is twisted.

"She's losing too much blood," a girl says.

"Monroe?" I tilt my head, "Glad you're okay." My eyes flutter closed again.

"No, no, no. You gotta keep your eyes open, Sunshine," Bellamy encourages.

"I can't, Bell, I'm so tired." He grins a little, surprising me considering the situation we're in. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just that's the first time you haven't called me Blake." I shake my head at his silliness. It's true, I guess I have always called him Blake. It feels weird not calling him that.

"Don't get used to it," I mumble.

Bellamy's uneven footsteps are the only thing keeping me awake. He's probably doing it on purpose, though. All of a sudden, I'm placed on the ground. The grass is still wet from the morning dew. It's cold against my back, even through the jacket. I can hear Bellamy talking, but I can't seem to pay attention.

"You're going to be okay, Sunshine," Bellamy pushes hair out of my face. "You hear me? You're going to be fine."

He place a light kiss against my forehead. I barely feel it, but a smile passes my face. "What are you doing, Blake? I don't need you dying on me, either."

"I'll be fine," he smiles. "Sterling, keep her awake."

Bellamy and Monroe walk a little farther, so they're out of earshot. God knows what they are up to. Probably something brave and stupid. He's going to get himself killed one day. I guess we are alike, both doing dumb shit to save our friends.

I don't really know what Bell and I are: friends, acquaintances, enemies, or even just co-leaders. There isn't really a title. All I know is that I don't hate him anymore, not even because he is the reason my mother is dead.

"Hey, hey, stay awake." Sterling shakes my side lightly, making my eyes pop open. "You gotta stay awake."

"Tell me what's going on," I demand, rubbing my hand in my eye.

"They're trying to save Finn. I can't see anything from here, though." He starts stretching his neck to see something. "Hey, is it true your name is Tori?"

I chuckle. "Yeah, the secret's out, I suppose,"

He doesn't say anything else, but after a few moments, a gunshot fires. Then another.

Living in SunshineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin