Beat Of My Heart

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To the right----> on the next chapter Is a book trailer @IvanaM made for me! (: Check it out, because it's sooo good! I love it, thanks so much! :D

NOTE: I wrote this story about 2 years ago, and I am now currently editing it in 2013. If you are rereading this, you should know I changed names to Logan and Whitney, so I hope there is no confusion on new characters or anything like that. 

And if you are new reading this,

Enjoy ;) <3



            We all sang to the blasted music of the stereo, departing for a road trip on the holiday weekend. My eyes resided on the street ahead, as we twisted through a mountain, accelerating higher and higher up. The last hint of sunlight drifted away slowly, leaving the sky dark and black. The snowfall had been heavy, but not enough to pronounce it a blizzard just yet. I watched as snowflakes drifted down and made their way towards the street. It reminded me of the cold, and I shivered, although the heat pending from the air vents made the car a toasty-warm temperature. I hated cold weather, but I was determined to make the most of the winter season, starting with me agreeing to the trip up to one of my best friend’s cabin in the mountain.

                “Anyone hungry?”  Jaden asked from behind the wheel, after turning down the volume so we could make out her words. The music was now a faint buzz from the stereo, almost unaudible.

                Lynette and Cassidy nodded in unison, reaching for the bag of chips Jaden had produced from under the driver’s seat. She really needed to clean her car more often. Their singing settled as they began munching on the potato chips, crumbs falling on the upholstery.

                Cassidy gestured the bags towards me, spilling out a few chips while doing so, “You want some, Charlie?” I looked behind from the passenger seat, seeing Cassidy and Lynette bundled up in blankets, mouths both overly filled. 

                I laughed, “No thanks, I’m not hungry.” I watched as my breath fogged up the glass window as I spoke. I traced a heart in the fog, and watched as it eventually faded away.

                A new sound came from the driver’s seat,. I looked to my left to see Jaden’s phone ringing, a unique ringtone of a rap song I never heard before. Instantly, she picked it up, “Hello?” She said in to the phone. “Hey, Logan. You’re going to make a right, and then another right. Once you get to Meadow Peak Road, then you make a left. You’ll see it from there.” I recognized the directions at once being to the cabin: our destination for this holiday weekend.

             I usually spent these long weekends with my mother, making it unusual being away from her. I figured she wouldn't mind if I was absent this year, seeing she was busy with work anyway. She probably would love to have the house to herself anyway.  We weren't as close as we used to be ever since her divorce. We'd drifted apart, making her more of a housemate then a family member. I stopped minding awhile ago, because it really wasn't that big of an upset for me. 

                Jaden mumbled a few more words in to the phone before saying, “Yeah, I think I have a map somewhere in here.” She nonchalantly took both hands off the wheel and began fishing around the center console for a map.

                “Jaden!” I said, grabbing on to the wheel, where her hands once had been. “Be careful! The roads are slick with ice!”

                She looked up at me, grinning and blushing. “Oops, sorry! I got a little preoccupied.” She put her hands back on the wheel, and snapped her phone shut. I sighed, relaxing back in to my seat. Sometimes, Jaden didn’t always tend to use her common sense, but she was one of my best friends, and we loved her anyways.

                As we made our way higher in to the mountain, the roads became extremely narrow. The snow had packed on to the ground more, and the white flurries blocked some of our vision from the road. I groaned, hoping the snow wouldn’t delay us. After a four hour car drive, the last thing I wanted to do was be stuck in a car any longer. I was no claustrophobic, but it was driving me crazy. I wanted to get out and stretch my cramped legs as soon as I could. I played with my long brunette hair to pass the time, but it got boring and endless.

                Jaden’s phone began vibrating again, and she eagerly opened it, looking down at the text message she had received. “Logan and the other guys made it there already.” She announced as she typed in to her phone on the keyboard, replying to the text.

                “How much longer do we have?” I moaned, looking up through the window. I gasped at what I saw. “Jaden, corner!” I shouted. I gripped the side of the door, bracing myself. The corner was abrupt, and poorly marked.

                Jaden slammed down on the breaks, causing the car to whirl in another direction. As the girls in the backseat were screaming, I realized we were spinning out of control. Jaden tried desperately to gain power of the car, but the more she tried, the worse it became. I knew she had no clue what she was doing to try and stop this. Unfortunately, I didn’t either.

                I closed my eyes, silently praying for it to stop. Before I knew it, the car had flipped entirely on to its side, making the blood rush to my head. The glass on one of the windows shattered to pieces. I couldn’t tell what window had broken, but I shielded my eyes from the glass.

                Suddenly, I felt a jabbing pain piercing in to the side of my stomach. I clutched on to my torso, trying to block the hurt. When I pulled my hand away, it was matted in red-stickiness. My heart sank, as I wiped off the blood on to my shirt. I never liked the shirt anyways. I winced as the pain spread not only in to the side of my stomach, but in various parts of my body.

                It wasn’t until the abrupt halt that I realized we had been plummeting down the side of the mountain. I could hear the scraping of trees against the exterior of the cars. I just hoped the mountain wasn't too steep and this would end soon. I looked over at Jaden, who had gone completely pale. She looked like she was going to vomit any second now. Lynette and Cassidy I could hear panting from the back seats. They were grasping on to each other.

                Lastly, I felt an impulsive amount of pressure on my head, causing me to black out with no vision at all. My eyelids grew heavy, forcing them shut together. I couldn’t hear anything anymore, the silence almost deafening. The pain I had felt in my body was now numb. I wondered if the car had finally stopped moving. 

                I realized Jaden was shaking me, her hands placed on to my shoulders. “Stay awake, Charlie! Don’t close your eyes! Come on!” She chanted over and over again. Her pleas became more and more distressed as I physically refused. I wanted to tell her to be quiet, to leave me alone, but I couldn’t remember how to open my mouth. I wanted to go in to a long, deep sleep. And that was the last thing I remembered from that Friday afternoon, on October 29th.


Hi! :b  Well, I've never actually experienced a car crash before in my life, so I was trying to write this the best I could. I don't know, maybe I will go back later and add more detail, but the best is yet to come! So please keep reading, and I promise this is only the beginning. It gets better, like all books. Anyways, it would mean the WORLD to me if you commented or even voted?(: Thanks! xoxo-Renn  

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