06; Gone

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*Tom's POV*

I woke up this morning to the sunlight blaring through the living room window into my eyes. Although the curtains were shut, it somehow still managed to break through them.

I stretched out my arms and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I looked around the room go see if anyone was still awake and as I did, I notice something out of the ordinary. Thinking nothing of it, I got up and went into the kitchen. There was no sign of anyone in there so before I made myself some food, I walked out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

I quietly climbed the stairs and looked into the door straight ahead of me as I reached the top. Nothing. I backed out of that room and checked every other room upstairs. No sign of them.

As reality set in that something must have happened, I quickly bolted back down the stairs. As I reached the bottom I noticed two pairs of familiar shoes sat at the bottom that hadn't moved since last night. Seeing those pairs of shoes is what made me realise something awful had occurred. I ran back into the living room and almost tripped over my own feet.

"Guys! GUYS! WAKE UP!" I shouted at them all.

"What?! What is so important Tom that you have to wake us up at 7am on a weekend!?" Katie asked me as she stirred and sat up, releasing herself from Max's grip. As she moved, Max must of felt it because he sat up too.

"Yeah Tom, what's so urgent!?" Nath asked me.

"Keeleigh and Ashton! They're gone!" I started.

"What!?" Katie responded.

"Their shoes are still at the bottom of the stairs, they wouldn't of gone out without shoes on and they aren't anywhere in the house, I checked before I woke you up" I explained.

"I think they've been taken"

"And I reckon I know who by!" Seev blurted out.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it would be him" Max responded.

"Max, we need to find them! Keeleigh, she's my best friend and Ashton means a lot to me too. I can't imagine not having them around, oh god what if he hurts them!? Or worse!?" Katie managed to get out before she burst into tears.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM IF HE EVEN LAYS ANOTHER FINGER ON HER" Jay shouted as he stood up. He was really angry and was about to charge out the door when Max bolted towards him and stopped him.

Seeing Katie stood there crying while Max was dealing with Jay broke my heart, I couldn't leave her crying by herself. I ran over to Katie and flung my arms around her in an attempt to calm her down.

"We will find them and get them back Katie, I promise you" I assured her.

"I hope so" she cried.

"Right guys. We need some sort of plan to get these guys back because we can't just burst in all wolfed up and stuff. We need to be smart about this as you can guarantee he will probably have his "gang" set out as traps before we even reach where he's keeping them" Seev piped up.

"We don't even know where to look" Jay said sadly.

"The woods?" Katie suggested.

"Nahh I don't think he would, it's too open. Don't think he would risk that because we would be able to get him from any direction and he wouldn't have a chance. He's got to be keeping them somewhere that there would only be way in so he could guard it. He would probably take them somewhere that he would be able to know if we were coming" Max explained.

"Oh. Wait.... What about that abandoned house in the woods that no ones been too for years?" Katie asked.

"What the one where everything happened before? Where you two were kept when you were kidnapped?" Nath replied.

"Oh, maybe you're right. He would know that would be the first place we would look if he's been watching us".

"What about that place in town? Where there is an abandoned warehouse?" I suggested.

"It's not a bad place to start, he could of taken them there. After all, it is abandoned and would be the perfect place" Max stated.

"Yeah, that sounds look a good idea. We need to be tactical though" Nath replied.

"Ok, how about we go in two separate groups? Katie with Max and us three? Considering Jays not anything paranormal? That ways he's got two people to protect him" I explained looking at Nath.

"Sounds good"

"I'm sorry I'm useless guys, it would be much better if I was a vampire or something. I really wish I was. I've been thinking about it for a while to be honest. I would be so much more help as a vampire or werewolf and it would be so cool" Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah it is pretty cool and you would be more help Jay but you gotta think about it. Your life will be completely different and the way you live it will be different. You'll feed on humans blood as well if you decide to become a vampire. One of us can turn you if you want to be a vampire" I said.

"Jay are you absolutely sure that you want to be one? Remember, your life will change forever" Max reminded him.

"Yeah I'm sure, I would like to become a vampire. Would one of you guys turn me? If we do it today, I can come and help you find them. We should maybe take the cover of nightfall to do it" Jay suggested.

"Yeah that's a really good idea Jay" Nath smiled at him.

"So, will one of you do it for me?" He asked as he looked from Nath to me and back again.

{ooooo cliffhanger! Sorry xD

Will they turn him and change his life? Or will they respect his wish but politely decline?}

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