05; Scared

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*Katie's POV*

As we stepped inside the house we noticed the real damage that had been done, the damage that wasn't visible from the outside.

I felt a pair of arms snake there way around my waist as I clasped my hands over my mouth in shock. Max must have sensed that I was about to cry because before I did, he had spun me around so I was now crying into his chest as he cuddled me, my tears staining his shirt. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head while whispering "shhh it's gonna be ok, he won't hurt you".

"What if he does? What if this is only the beginning? I'm so scared Max" I confessed.

"I promise you he won't touch you" Max reassured me.

I looked up at him and gave him a soft gentle kiss on the lips which was also wet from where I'd been crying. I felt another hand on my shoulder and I looked around to see Keeleigh stood there watching me, a hint of sadness in her eyes. She pulled me into her embrace, squeezing me gently.

"Katie I'm so sorry he did this to your house. I can't believe anyone would want to do that. Are you ok? I will help you clean up" she said softly.

"I- I'm fine" I choked out wiping away the tears.
"Well, I will be, and thankyou. I would appreciate that" I smiled at her before I gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

She gasped. "Don't go kissing me now, our boyfriends might get jealous" she winked as she turned around to face Ashton again.

I looked at his face and laughed at his reaction.

"Right, let's get to work. With all of us helping, this house will be back to the way it was in no time" Tom said.

"Thankyou guys. I appreciate it" I smiled at them.

"It's our pleasure babe" Nath smiled before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.


A couple of hours later and the house was back to normal. I went round everyone and have them all a hug and kiss on the cheek to thank them for their help and show them how much I appreciate them. Max was different obviously, he was my boyfriend after all. Maybe one day we would be more, maybe have our own family.

"Katie? What are you thinking about?"

"Whatever it is, it must be good because she's smiling like an idiot"

I was dragged away from my thoughts and pulled back to reality by Keeleigh and Nath.

"Err yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life and how amazing my gorgeous boyfriend is" I smiled looking up at Max.

"Awww babe I love you so much" Max smiled planting a kiss on me.

The kiss became heated pretty quickly and before we knew it we were having a full on make out session. Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other and our hands were placed around each other's waists. We were lost in our own little world and it was perfect.

"Err if you guys are gonna have werewolf sex, can you not do it in front of us" I heard A familiar voice tease.

I broke away from the kiss to see Jay standing in the doorway.

"Jay!" Everyone said in unison.

"Where have you been buddy? We tried calling you?" Max said running up to him to give him a hug.

"Sorry mate I was ill so I haven't really been with my phone, been sleeping" he replied, hints of sincerity in his voice.

"It's alright" I smiled at him.
"We've got a bit to fill you in on" Max told him.

"Ok shoot" Jay responded as he walked over to one of the chairs in the kitchen and sat down.

"So you remember that dude from the other night? Luke?" Max began.

"Yeah.... He hasn't hurt anyone has he!?" Jay questioned jumping up from his chair.

"No he hasn't hurt anyone, well he hurt Katie's feelings if that counts. He trashed our house, must of come in here while we were at the theme park and done it. You can't tell now that anything was touched because we cleared it all up and put everything back but it was pretty bad" Max explained to Jay, anger clear in his eyes as they glazed over.

"Oh my god Katie I'm sorry, I will make sure he pays for what he's done" Jay assured me.

"It's alright, but no I don't want you getting yourself in trouble because of me Jay, we are going to deal with in all together" I said to him softly.

"Oh ok, as long as he gets what he deserves" Jay smiled.

"Right. I think we should all have a massive sleepover and watch some films tonight and just chill out all together" Keeleigh suggested.

"Sounds perfect, I'll grab some blankets" I said.

"I'll help" Max spoke up quickly.

"Babe it's a few blankets, I'm pretty sure I can manage. I'll be fine and in there in a few mins" I assured him. I gave him a quick kiss before I headed upstairs to grab the blankets.

A few minutes later, I walked out of the bedroom with a few blankets and pillows. I walked back down the stairs and into the living room to find the guys all sat on the sofas. There was a space for me next to my boyfriend once I had sorted out the blankets.

I gave everyone a blanket, one for Keeleigh and Ashton, one for Seev and Tom, another for Nath and Jay to curl up under and one for me and Max. I sat down on the sofa and cuddled into Max. Keeleigh had already chosen the film and it was going to be an action film.


A little while later, I looked up to see everyone was starting to fall asleep.

"Seeing as we are all starting to fall asleep, how about we all find a place on the floor and go to bed?" I suggested to everyone.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" Seev responded.

The floor was big enough so there was no need to move anything to make room for anyone. Keeleigh and Ashton were closest to the door, while Max and I were in the furthest corner of the room. Seev, Nath, Tom and Jay were scattered in between us.

"Goodnight guys, thankyou for your all your help again. I really do appreciate it. I love you all" I said as darkness consumed the room.

"We love you too" Nath mumbled before falling asleep and beginning to snore.

"Wow it doesn't take him long to fall asleep" I giggled as I snuggled into Max's chest, his muscly arm around me. I reached up to give him a kiss before laying back on his chest.

"Goodnight babe, I love you" he said softly.

"Goodnight. I love you too" I replied before drifting off into a blissful sleep.

{I know its been a while since an update guys! I apologise! Been busy and i had to sort my new phone out once i got it working! Samsung galaxy s6 edge baby xD. So I figured I hadn't done Katie's POV for a while so I decided to do a chapter of just her POV :)

Thankyou for the votes and comments guys :) love you!}

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