Operations cause mayhem

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Mr Bob, after watching the infinite line of pi go on for a couple of minutes, noticed a peculiar creature which did not resemble a goblin in any way shape or form. They looked more like robots with crazy flashing red lights for eyes, and one wheel to stay up and move around on, which meant they had a hard time turning and needed to go a fair distance before heading the right way. Due to this trespassing on his home turf, Mr Bob shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY NUMBER LAND!?" Which they covered their ears to because it was so loud it damaged their ear drums, (yes they were robots with ear drums, what did you think?)
After a second or two they unicycled over (I don't know how to describe their movement) and spoke in a very boring voice. Imagine your most boring teacher reading the most boring book in the world for 2 hours. Boring right! Well when they spoke back, Mr Bob couldn't help but notice that their mouths which where just translucent plastic with black line, were all shaped into different shapes. The first had a shape like + and then another with - and x and all the rest. But oddly enough one wasn't a robot at all but just a megaphone. Mr Bob asked why he wasn't like the others, and by asked I mean gave him a severe headache for a couple of minutes. After the headache subsided, he said he was factorial and his symbol was !, (that punctuation grammar nightmare!) and he was a megaphone for an author to make a bad joke about him being !. But then some goblins came out of nowhere and snatched the megaphone, number 1 was one of them and they took it in turns to have a go! 1 went first and split like a cell dividing which looked very painful and another goblin with a 1 appeared. "That sooooo cool bruh." The original 1 said, (apparently they use slang and speak English even though they are numbers) and his copy said "I know right, let's go have a cheeky nando's." And off they went. 10 then pushed in front and demanded "MY TURN." And he transformed into 3,628,800 and he fainted with the sadness of not having a copy of him, (must be quite sad to not have a copy of yourself) and had to be carried to the numbertal (number hospital) and this was just the beginning, of an insane adventure of eternal awesomeness and fainting, that the operation robots caused...

Sorry I took a while to post this chapter, and it's way longer than usual!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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