V. All is Fair in Love and War

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Word of Loki’s betrayal had reached the Courts of Kronos with the headless body of Ares’s young son, Phobos. Stricken with grief, the god was comforted by Aphrodite, his wife. His other son, Deimos, was cautious about the love goddess’s desire; he kept a close eye on her with the aid of her son, Eros.

Kronos, after learning of the traitorous Loki and the death of his spy, Odin, had sent out his armies to find and destroy all of what is left of the Athena Alliance. Their locations were given to him by a crow that was sent by Odin a few months before his death. Kronos himself left, alone, tracking down the only two gods of war that stood against him, Tyr and Sekhmet; he decided to start with the Egyptian, knowing that Norse were now unified, strong and aware of Kronos’s knowledge of their every move.

The gods and goddesses traveled with their people, side by side. The Egyptian ranks however, were missing the god who was the reason for the survival of the Athena Alliance, Set. Most of the Egyptians wanted to capture him, thinking he helped Kamos and the Egyptian pirates in the Great War. Amanra, however, knew the truth. She convinced the Egyptians it was more important to keep moving and to not waste food and drink on meaningless prisoners who would only slow them down.

In the courts of Kronos, a plan was being put into place.

“Ares should be removed from the council!”

“Why should I be deposed of my position, Hyperion?”

“Kronos demanded that none of us interfere with Loki’s mission to confront Odin and the other Norsemen, but you just had to send your son Phobos to keep an eye on him.”

“That is a serious accusation, Hyperion; let us hear Ares’ side of the story.”

“Thank you for generosity, Prometheus. I had no knowledge that my son went after Loki until his headless body was laid on this very floor. However, one of the surviving soldiers did say that Neptune accompanied them in combat. I have right to believe it was Neptune who sent my son after Loki and that he is therefore responsible for his death. It is he that should be removed from this council!”

The other council members cried out in agreement. All except for two, Hyperion and Atlas, both titans believed the Roman god of water was involved, but they think Ares is more to blame. In the end, Neptune was removed from the council and he was sentenced to exile. However, instead of living in exile, he went in search of Sekhmet in hope that if he captured her, he would be reinstated.

Loki and Freyja were arriving at the Oceanese hiding-place as a security fleet approached them. The security fleet checked them out before letting them move along. King Kit, Queen Aayla, General Mundi, and Oceanus were waiting at the docks to great them.

“Lady Freyja, it warms our hearts to have other allies here. I see you have Loki with you, and the Fenris Wolf as well, but who is the third?”

“It’s good to see you too, Oceanus, and that is Loki’s daughter Hela.”

“She is most beautiful.” Oceanus swooned.

“Wait till you get to know her other half.” Freyja said jokingly. Loki hit her on the back of her head.

As Hela turned her to face the company of leaders, she revealed the corpse side of her body. Though it was extremely terrifying, and has actually killed a handful of suitors, Oceanus remained alive and starry-eyed.

“She’s a keeper.”

“I agree; I’m actually surprised he hasn’t puked yet.”

King Kit and General Mundi laughed at their jokes, that is, until Queen Aayla slapped them both on the back of the head, winking at Loki.

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