Chapter 7

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We have been following the river for a while now and there is still no sign of Tauriel.

"Where does this river go to Leggy?"

"It goes to Lake Town"

"So we are heading to Lake Town then?"


Lake Town came into view but was still far away. I was behind Legolas when he stopped so suddenly, I crashed into the back of him.

"Shut up" Legolas whispered to me.

I looked at him questionably and he pointed to a figure on the edge of the river and I saw it was Tauriel and she was going to prepare her bow to fire. Legolas whipped his bow out as did Tauriel.

"Ingannen le orch"
I thought you were an orc

"A orc im, dangen le"
If I were an orc, you would be dead

They both lowered their bows and continued to speak.

"Tauriel, you cannot hunt thirty orcs on your own"

"But I'm not on my own"

"You knew I would come" he said smiling a little.

I cleared my throat a bit and said "excuse me, but I am also here and I have come as well unless you have completely forgotten I was here!"

They both smile at me and Legolas says

"I have not forgotten about you"

I smile at him and then Legolas and Tauriel begin talking about coming back to the palace and this not being our fight which I zone out on. Again. I seem to zone out a lot.

We continue to Lake Town to hunt orcs.

"How much longer is it to Lake Town Leggyyyyyy!" I complain

"A few more hours I think, why?"

"Because I'm getting tired, how are you two not tired?"

"Because we are elves Estella, I thought you were an elf too" Tauriel joked

"Of course I'm an elf but I am half elf remember"

"Of course we know that. Let's take a little break for now and then we will continue later" Said Legolas.

We stopped running and I laid on top of a rock looking up at the sky.

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