young and beautiful? ➸

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She takes a deep breath as she stands in front of her full body mirror on the back of her room door. Once relaxed she glances at the reflection and nearly gags. She stares at the mirror for a couple more seconds before peeling her eyes away in disgust.

No matter how much Dayna pulled and tugged at this outfit, it still managed to make her look like a marshmallow. Yes, she just compared herself to a marshmallow. She usually used the word to describe herself when she didn't look good in things. Although marshmallows were undeniably delicious, they were terrible to look like.

Dayna sighs heavily stomping over to her closet not caring that she walked over a plethora of clothes that were sprawled on her room floor. She had nearly tried on everything she owned that morning, yet nothing seemed to be cutting it for the plump girl. She flung her closet door open with a massive amount of force not even flinching when it hit the wall. There was so much force behind her thrust her wall was probably dented by now. But she didn't care. She was extremely upset because last night she planned out an outfit and she had placed it on her desk chair so it would be ready to go in the morning. Of course the one night she actually took time to plan something she wakes up looking like a bloated whale.

"It must be nice being skinny," she mumbles opening and closing the white drawers in her closet. "I bet it feels amazing when you can throw on anything you want and go."

Oh how Dayna wished that she didn't care. She wished it didn't matter what other people thought of her or the way she looked in outfits, but she couldn't help it. She was a people pleaser and no matter what, she would always care about others opinions.

Sometimes she would dream about being transported into a completely different world. A world where you weren't skinny or fat,but you. Where she was just Dayna. But when her alarm went off at 6:15 every morning, she was whipped harshly with reality and she had just live her life as an adjective instead of a proper noun which irked Dayna to no end.

In this world she was not Dayna, she was fat or obese. Or maybe as her mother liked to put it, "curvy". It didn't matter anyway they were all the same thing to her. I mean it didn't matter what she was called to the students at her school as long as it wasn't her actual name. Most kids that attended her school hadn't even bothered to learn her name.

Dayna settled on wearing a baggy sweater with their school's logo in the middle of it and her "I've worn these too many times" leggings. She re-approached the mirror wrinkling her face at the logo.

Whoever made the school logo was clearly on something, their school logo looked like a pig/bird hybrid. Their mascot was a panther, not a flying pig... The logo literally looked like the product of the saying "when pigs fly" coming alive.

Dayna mentally congratulated herself when she realized that she unintentionally rhymed.

From a young age, Dayna had always loved to rhyme and that was also part of the reason why she loved writing poetry so much. Dayna may be no good at sports or social skills in any way but she was surely good at writing not only poems but just writing in general. That was the one thing she prided herself on. The kids at her school may take away her dignity but they could never take writing away from her, and she liked that.

Writing is also the reason her favorite teacher is the Literature teacher, Mrs.Whicker. She was a young teacher who Dayna thought she could really relate to. She was also one of the only people who were actually nice to Dayna. Each day when Dayna entered the classroom she gave Dayna a heart-warming smile, a real smile. Something Dayna seldom saw directed at her.

Dayna dealt with the insults spit at her by her peers knowing that as soon as she saw Mrs.Whicker's face her day would begin to get better. Just knowing there was someone who cared for her made her terrible school life seem a little more bearable, and that wasn't easy to do. She was just one of those teachers who always knew when something was wrong and how to help. Dayna admired her for that.

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