synopsis ➸

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Dayna was certainly not a girl of beauty and she was hardly a girl of intelligence.

She was a girl graced with thunder thighs and excess fat. A girl who drowned her sorrow and despair in the depths of her poems. She was a girl who hid her insecurities, locked them inside the way you lock a prisoner inside of a jail cell.

They yell out to be released but no one hears their pleas, at least no one who cares. Dayna wasn't one to mind bottling her thoughts inside, it was as if that was a second nature to her. She had to do it so much it just became... routine

She didn't even bother trying to let her true emotions show because you don't seem to matter unless you're skinny and beautiful.

She was really disappointed with the way this world was moving. In this day and age, it seemed that if you weren't skinny basically you weren't considered beautiful. Apparently if you didn't have a "rockin' bod" then men didn't desire or lust after you the way they went after skinny blonde girls. Society seemed to only show beautiful girls who were in shape in mainstream media setting an unreasonable standard for girls all over. They represented only a fraction of the population. But no one cares that they were leaving out some of the population. No one talked about the countless mental and emotional issues they caused by doing this. Instead they focused on how many views and how much money they could get off of putting skinny girl after skinny girl in the limelight.In this day and age skinny people seemingly ruled the world.

But maybe it was time to steal the show and for the age of the curves to begin.

The Age of the CurvesWhere stories live. Discover now