Chapter one

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My weary feet dragged along the pavement as I walked home on that rainy day in Salem. I broke into a sprint as a heard the voices of three of my classmates behind me.  Lucy, Penny and Jamie. The girls who had a hatred toward my existence. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and Lucy caught my eye. She walked quickly up, " Hey Madison, talk much? Maybe you should shut up once in a while." The other two giggled along.

" Hey Madison, mom still work at the diner in town. Cheap bitch. This is why you have no friends." Lucy shouted.
I walked faster my face growing hot and my fist forming into tight balls. I walk faster and faster but they eventually catch up.

" Hey Madison heard your mom's a stripper and dances for money so you can eat at least once a week. Low-cost worthless Madison. Go and buy some real clothes." said Penny. They all giggled and I eventually stopped, turned around and opened my mouth to express how I really felt but I couldn't say a thing. They laughed and all exclaimed I was low life coward, the streets on the way home were open and all the kids from the high school walked them home so I had no choice. The only other way was through a forest that many people never dared to enter. I felt the tug on my backpack and heard a tear of cloth.

"Hey your bag is so cheap I took one tug and it ripped.. oops!" said Jamie. They continued to laugh and began tearing my backpack apart piece by piece.

" Stop! STOP that's mine... it's special!" I screamed. Tears began streaming down my rosy cheeks and the cold October wind made it sting. The girls ripped and tore until there was nothing left. The girls had finally ripped a part of me that they would soon regret tearing. I felt my fist raise in the air, my body tremble with anger and the smirk that lay upon Lucy's face. My eyes flowing with tears and my heart pounding 100 miles a minute.

"That's what you get you filthy animal. Do us all a favor you dirty bitch and go kill yourself." Lucy whispered. I walked up onto my front porch and unlocked the door the three girls had walked farther down the street to their own homes. I walked in holding the torn pieces of all that remained of my father's memories. My dad and I had sewn that on together on my 9th birthday now I am 15 years old and I still hold and use it to keep him with me. He had passed away when I was 12 from a car crash when we lived over in Texas. He was the breadwinner of our little family of 3. My mom was sick with cancer when I was just 3 years old and couldn't walk so she recovered when I was 8. Still it's hard for her to walk a lot now because of the medication. She works at the local diner in town making a small income. I walked into my small rented home and sat at the table I knew my mom wouldn't be home until at least 3:50 it was now 3:30. I had some time to clean myself up and act normal. I never spoke to her about dad after he had died, she became more angry and more aggressive towards me. But, she was the only one I had left. I sit alone at lunch in school let alone classes I moved here in September and no one even bothered to talk to me. I walked up to my small room and sat on my bed and looked at the picture of my father and I swinging in the park when I was young. I heard the door unlock and the sound of foot steps entering the house along with a faint " Hello?"

" Hi mom." I spoke.

" How was your day? Any homework?" she asked.

" It was okay and no." I replied I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I noticed her eyes were weary and had big black circles underneath. We spoke little and sat and drank orange soda. Until she got up to start dinner. We ate grill cheese and carrots and eventually departed and went to bed. I looked up and my old cracked and water stained ceiling and my eyes drifted off to sleep and all I could think of was taking the forest way home tomorrow night, not having to deal with those 3 girls. I layed back and though of the wonders of the forest and what might be lurking behind those dark trees.

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