Chapter 1

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~I have in no way edited this. this story is simply a draft I've been working on and wished to share. thanks for reading!~

Chapter 1: The end of my beginning

"Would you just leave me alone?!" I screamed, trying to get through the wall of men in front of me. Of course it just had to be the people I hated the most, and among them the person I loved the most...

"Now why would want to do that?" Replied Austin. He's been mean to me for....let's just say a LONG's like I've tormented him or something. I feel like he knows far to much about me, and I certainly don't like the ways he looks at me. half of the time it feels like he's, well, hunting me and the other half of the time it's like he's exposing me in his mind. My best friend David, or should I say my use to be best friend, joined his 'gang' after they met two years ago, which was after Austin moved here with his no good buddies who all loved to ruin my life. I frowned. It just didn't make since. His group was such a mixture of people, he wasn't targeting a certain group, I'm just not sure why they are suddenly so close. I know about David's secret, are they like him?

"I need to get ready for something." I said, seeing they were waiting for my reply. I stole a glance at David, we made a deal that if I sung at the talent show then he would hang more with me and less with them. I know, it's sorta lopsided but we've been like brother and sister since we were babies, so of course I gave in to him and agreed to his nonsense. I would do anything for him, he is my savior. I began to think more about what i should sing as Austin begins to speak.

"Sure, you have to get ready for the talent show. I guess i will be seeing you there. Choose a nice toon for me will ya? Bye for now, sweet cheeks." Ew. Nice toon? Sweet cheeks? Blah. Ignoring Austin's comments I glared at Davy. I cant believe he told! Ugh! I turn to leave but someone grabs my hand, of course it was David.

"I didnt tell him i promise." That's it. that's all it took to melt my anger. he just had that way about him, everything In him brought out the best of people.

"Ok" i said, giving up on even trying to be upset. I pulled my arm out of his hand after he gave it a slight squeeze of comfort. "see you after the show." I ran down the hall and threw the door that led to the back stage area, and that's where my nerves hit me. I was late. I had no clue what to sing and even worse my entire class was sitting out there, just waiting for something to tease me with next.

"Your next Sara." Mrs.Smith reminded me then smiled when she saw how scared I was "First time huh?" She asked.

"Uh...Yea.." I stuttered. What if everyone hates me? I mean more than they already do. She smiled at me and told me

"It's not bad once you get out there. I think you'll like it once you get past the beginning. it's very exciting to see the faces change, for the better." she added.

"I hope your right." I managed to get out. The crowed cheered as the performer before me finished and took his bow. He was good. crap. could I do this?

"What song are you going to sing?" I thought about it for a moment and murmured

"Wild horses by Natasha Beddingfeild." It was my favorite, the words just seemed to hit me. The melody brought me to a different plane, a world of safety and hope; of strength and determination.

"Oh," She breathed "How pretty." I smiled back at her as I started to walk out on the stage. My palms began to sweat as I introduced myself and the song i was gonna sing. I could hear the giggles and teasing when I took My place on the stage and hooked up my ipod. I took a deep breath and looked over to the balcony where David said he would be, at first my heart dropped because I only say Austin. I took another deep breath, I was gonna kill that boy, he was the whole reason I was in this mess. But if Davy thought I could do it then I could. I looked one more time and saw him standing next to Austin smiling. As I started singing I closed my eyes and let the song fill me and overflow with the music. Each note took me deeper and I began to gather strength.

" I feel these four walls closing in, my face up against the glass im lookin' out .hmmm.. is this the bed i chose to make? Its greener pastures I'm thinking about ,hmm. wide open spaces far away!

all i want is the wind in my hair to face the fear but not feel scared... Wild horses i wanna be like you throwing caution to the wind ill run free too wish i could recklessly love like I'm longing too i wanna run with the wild horses. Run with the wild horses" i continue till i get so lost in the song i forget about all the people with shocked expressions on their face except for Davy of course, he already knew. This was my escape. this was the one thing I knew, the only thing I had a chance to control.

> Austin P.O.V <

What the heck!she sings amazingly! Everyone has a shocked expression on their face except David, he had a smug little smirk on his face. Why?

"David why don't you look so surprised at her voice?" I asked, demanding an answer. I didn't like that they were close, I hated it even more that I would have to share her time in order to have her.

" It's because she is my next door neighbor, her and I grew up together 'till you came along, and plus we made a bet. I told her if she gets on stage and sings that I will be her best friend once again though it wasn't her fault I left in the first place, I shouldn't of left her at all she needed me. " He admitted with sadness.

SHE SHOULD NEED ME NOT HIM! My wolf screamed! Oh no this cant be good. I was gonna go crazy. She drove me crazy. I turned back to see Sara had finished and was looking at David, he ran down to the bottom to see her. What? no, she is mine! No one should touch her but me! My wolf kept screaming. It was getting harder to control him, the wolf inside was becoming more powerful and was demanding. I'm not ready for this kind of power, nor am I ready to claim that little witch as my own. I was already too attached, and if I didn't claim her soon I just know something bad will happen and I won't have an ounce of control.

> Sara P.O.V.<

I had stopped singing to notice Davy running towards me so I sprinted toward him noticing he picked me up and spun my around. I heard loud gasps of shock, as we were never allowed to show such affection. I wrapped my legs and arms around Davy and cried. " Davy i missed you so much." I said as i heard more gasps, why were they surprised?

" I know sweetheart, i missed you too." I sniffed at stood on my feet but still hugging him.

" Davy can i come live with you again? Like old times? I'm tired of being beaten by my dad.." I whispered to him as a tear drop slowly from my eye. He growled. I always keep forgetting he was a werewolf..and of course Austin was alfa while David just bata, although I wasn't suppose to know any of that.

" Yes babe you can! Anytime my parents miss you." he told me while whipping away a tears then snuggling my neck.

" Thank you Davy!! " I screamed and hugged him tighter. I heard someone yell at me from the back row.

"How come that peice of shit can call you 'Davy' and I can't?!" it was Lindsay and she looked really angry. I stood my ground, something I normally don't do, she must have noticed because, well, she was about to slap me. And Then it happened... I fell to the ground and got in a fetal position. I wasn't built for fighting. I was to small and to weak, something that many took advantage of, Also something I couldn't use to my advantage. Trying to protect my head only to find everyone laughing at me. I was pathetic. I heard a growl from Davy and I worried for the girls life. His anger sparked and I saw him trying to force control. The teachers came out then trying to control the situation but there were simply to many people to control.

" She is scared of me! Haha. How pathetic! You see David this is what happens when you mess with the weak ones. She is just a piece of shit and you should forget ab-- " Lindsay was cut off by a loud growl. I stood up fast and put my arms around Davy, but I was to late he was now in Lindsays' face looking at her with so much hatred to were she took a frightened step back.

" Lindsay your just a slut, I bet you have done every single guy in this school and several more schools counties over! And don't talk about Sara that way she has gone though so much you couldn't even last a day being her! She has been abused since she was five and she is now eighteen. Do the math bitch, that is even if u can count." he growled at her. I heard many gasps of shock while i tried to hide my face and no one could see my tears. God why did i have to put my red hair in a ponytail tonight? I wanted to disappear, I wanted to hide where I couldn't see them.

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