John Diggle's Daughter and a Surprise

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  As I helped Erika with her homework, she kept looking over at Jason.

  Jason was making faces at her, and I sighed before I said to him,"Jay, can you stop? Erika needs to finish her homework. If you're bored, go take a walk."

  Jason rolled his eyes, and Erika pulled on my shirt before she told me,"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy rolled his eyes at you!"

  Jason chuckled before he attacked Erika in kisses. I couldn't help but smile at how happy she became, and then Jason looked over at me. We just stared into each other's eyes for a while, until Erika gently hit my face.
  Jason gave me a kiss. Then, he moved my hair out of my face before he left out of the room. Immediately, I got back to helping Erika with her homework.

  However, Erika rested her hand on my stomach before she asked me,"Mommy, can you give me a brother?"

  I looked down at Erika, yet I asked her,"Why a brother? Tim, Dick, Damian, and Terry aren't enough for you?"

  Erika shook her head, and I giggled before I said,"I'll talk to your father about it. Now, let's finally finish this homework, so you can go to bed."

  Erika leaned on me until we finished going over her homework. Once she was done, she left to go find Damian immediately. Apparently, Damian and her were going to play some board games together. I was just happy they were getting along, and that Erika wasn't alone.
  I remember when I was Erika's age. I did feel alone often, but I had my father and... my mother. Mom died not too many years ago, and Dad had to go away to serve our country several times. Most of the time, I had to stay with the neighbors or even move around a lot. That was until my father met Bruce.

  "Now, where's my daughter?"

  Immediately, I turned after hearing my father's voice. There he stood at my door. I rushed to him, but I ended up knocking him over. He laughed before he placed multiple kisses on my forehead.

  He said,"Look at you. You keep growing on me. Honey, I'm sorry I haven't-"

  I just hugged him as I said to him," Don't. You did what you have to do, and you left me with Bruce. I understand that you couldn't always be here. I understand."

  Dad smiled at me and returned my hug before he said to me,"Jason been taking good care of you? Do I need to handle him?"

  "I've been treating her just fine, sir. It's good to see you, John."

  Jason shook my father's hand, but my father rested his hands over Jason's hands as he said to him,"Thank you for keeping me updated on Karry. I appreciate it, and I trust you with my daughter. Always."

  Jason smiled real big at my father before Jason nodded to him.

  However, someone tackled me, and I heard,"SIS, HAVE YA MISSED ME?? I'M HERE TOO! I'M HERE, TOO!"

  Harley Quinn was the one that tackled me. Yes, she was my sister, and she had always been a sister to me. Even when Harley was crazy, she was still my sister.

  Dad chuckled, and Harley embraced him before she said to me,"I've really missed ya. We should catch up!"

  For some reason, Jason flinched. I realized it may have been because Harley reminded Jason of Joker. I mean, Harley spent many years under Joker, but she was trying to get her life together. I was proud of her for trying, too.

  I rested my hand on Jason's shoulder before I said to him,"Jay, it's okay. Harley won't be trying anything. I promise. Right, Harley? No killing Jason in his sleep, okay?"

  Harley laughed, yet she leaned on Jason as she said to him,"Ya have my word! I won't try anything! If my sister trusts ya, then I do, too!"

  When Bruce saw Harley, he about had a heart attack, but my father convinced him that Harley was going to be on her best behavior. I laughed, and Harley tackled me again. I play fought with her before Jason and my father separated Harley and me from each other. Then, we all just enjoyed a nice meal. Alfred was still on edge about Harley, but I did my best to reassure him that Harley wouldn't dare make him upset.

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