"Hmm?"  Nacy answerd while folding back the sheets and then turning to grab the killer heals that where laying on the side of the bed now.  "Can I ask you something?"  Nancy stopped and turned to look at Chelsea.  "How well do you know Scott?  I mean... Well i've only meet him a few times and they weren't the best, but i cant help but feel something is...i dont know...odd?  Like he tries to put up this front that he's just as evil as his father, but for a spilt second i could swear that i see something different in his eyes... i dont know, maybe im just imagining it..." Chelsea rubbed her eyes that were now starting to droop from fatigue..

Nancy slowly took her time putting away the shoes and seemed to be thinking over her answer.  She finally released a breath and looked up at Chelsea.  The look in Nancy's eye made Chelsea feel like there was somthing that Nancy knew about Scott, she wanted to press her but sleep was slowly overpowering her.  

Pushing herself towards the top of the bed, she pulled the sheets over herself and snuggled in.  Nancy adjusted the blanket around her then stepped back from the bed.

"Scott...He.." Nancy seemed to have a hard time saying what she was thinking. "He might just be like the rest of us Chelsea...Stuck in a situation with no way out..."

Leaving Chelsea completely confused, Nancy quickly mummered her goodnights and told her she would bring her breakfast in the morning, then swiftly left-locking the door behind her.

Stuck?  How could he be stuck in his own house?  THe thoughts that know plague Chels wouldn't go away and part of her now felt like she should have maybe paid more attetion.  Instead of letting Scott's front scare her, she was determined to get through to him.  She knew that if he wasnt evil like his father than maybe she could be a friend in away?  With that plan in mind, she tried to relax and let sleep claim her.  

 It seemed like hours had gone by but Chelsea was still lying on the bed, not able to sleep. Staring up at the ceiling she swore she she heard a faint knock at the door.  She slowly lowered her eyes wondering if it was just her imagination or maybe even a dream.  She lay still until she heard the door unclick its lock and open. 

Chelsea held her breath.

She watched as the door slowly opened, barely making a noise. She could see a shadow coming from around the door.   Chelsea sunk back further into the bed hoping they could not see her. 

“Nan...Nancy" she heard someone mumble, almost as if they couldn't get the words out of their mouth.

Scott?! What is he doing here?  Chelsea remained quiet. Maybe he’ll go away. With that thought Chelsea relaxed her face and tried to make her breathing seem deeper to give off the “I’m deeply asleep” look. 

She could here Scott close the door and his footsteps as they came closer.  Don’t screw up Chels keep breathing!

She could feel his body heat as he stood next to her on the side of the bed.

What is he doing? Her mind screamed. 

She felt hot fingertips brush against her cheek bone down to her jaw.  Her breathing stopped.  He pulled his fingers away as if now realizing what he was doing.

"Chelsea?" He asked himself, it sounded like he just relised that he was in her room. WAIT?  He said Nancy! Why would he be asking for her?

She could feel him just standing there forever it seemed and she couldn’t help but become impatient, that and the smell of strong whiskey he had been drinking earlier was tickling her nose.  She finally heard him sigh and  slowly turn around to leave.

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