Preference 5: How He Hugs You.

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Preference 5: How he hugs you.

Brad: He’s never been a forceful guy. Everything he does is gentle and full of caution. He never wants to be harsh with you, to make you feel pushed. He hugs you lightly wrapping his tender hands around your head, silently combing through it with his fingers. 

Connor: He jumps right in. He wants to put his strong, protective arms around you, he can’t wait. He greets you everyday, and says goodbye every night the same way. His muscular arms wrapped firmly around your waist as he whispers tempting secrets in your ears. 

James: He sneaks up from behind you, enveloping you in his strong grasp. His mischievous chin resting softly on your shoulder. You look back to see the cheeky grin being played across his face. You kiss him lightly on the cheek making him giggle, that giggle that you love. 

Tristan: He wiggles his arms around you as you giggle in delight. He tells you how much he missed you, or how much he will miss you. He tells you that you’re beautiful, and that of course he loves you. Sometimes, he even nibbles mildly on the lobe of your ear, signaling how much he wants you.


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