Preference 2: You Hear Him Talking About You

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Preference 2. You Hear Him Talking About You.

Brad: "I'm going to get a drink, does anyone want anything?" You asked, getting up from the couch. You and the boys were having your weekly movie night. It's something you five promised to keep doing no matter how big the boys got and so far, they've kept their promise. "No thanks." They all said in unison. You headed into the kitchen to grab a pop but as you came back, you heard Brad talking about you. "Do you think she'd say yes?" He asked the others. "Mate, come on, it's you. You two are meant for each other, even if she doesn't see it yet." James said, reassuring Brad. You walked into the room and took your seat next to Brad but before pressing play on the movie, you turned to him and said "Yes."

Connor: "You've been seeing her for 5 months now, Connor, you've got to make it official." Tristan said. You were in Connor's living room while the boys were at the top of the stairs, waiting for Brad to finish getting ready. You and Connor had been going on dates for the past five months and you really wanted to make it official but you wanted Connor to make the first move. "What if she doesn't want to?" He asked, nervously. "If she's stuck around this long, clearly she does." James said, laughing.

James: You had joined the boys on tour since you hadn't seen them in forever. You were at the back of the tour bus while the boys were at the front, having a conversation about you. "I just don't want to ruin anything, you know?" James explained to the boys. "I really like her, you guys know I do but if she says no, it's awkward and if she says yes, there's a possibility that we'll break up and I don't want to lose the friendship." The guys knew how much you meant to James so they understood but you didn't. You had been dropping hints left and right that you felt something for James but he never acted on them. "If I say yes, there's a possibility that we'll stay together." You said, as you leaned against the wall.

Tristan: "She kissed me." Tristan said, walking into the boys' hotel room. "She kissed me." He said again as he sat on one of the beds. "So, I'm guessing the date went well." Connor said, laughing. "It was perfect, she's perfect, everything was perfect." Tristan said. Meanwhile, you were at home, sitting on your bed, still thinking about the date, and listening to Tristan gush about you. He had accidently butt-dialed you. "I don't know guys, but she could be someone...I mean, I can see this going somewhere." He said, with a smile on his face.

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It's not written by Me. I got it from Tumblr! Sorry if mistakes any. Feedback is important!!

I'll soon be putting some imagines! You can also request!!

If you want any imagine of The Vamps you can comment or pm (private message) me the following details:

1. Name of the boy (Only The Vamps because that's what this book contains. So Connor or Tristan or James or).

2. Scenario (Just What you want in that imagine. Fight? Sweet? Dirty/Smut (BDSM? Or sweet?) Hate love? Etcetera. Just a word is enough).

3. Your appearance (Your eye/hair colour etcetera. A little about yourself, if you want to tell of course).

4. Your favorite song (It can be of any artists. Not only of The Vamps. I want this because it can help me in writing the imagine, maybe).

Just write in these details. I'll surely make one-shots for you.
You can also give me some ideas of Preferences, so I can write some.

And also I've started writing my new short story series "gang". I've started uploading the very first book in the series >> "gang /zm/ /au/" Please can you give it a try? It would mean a lot to me and I hope that you'll enjoy.

Okay bye!

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