Chapter Sixty

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•Chapter Sixty•

Harry's POV

I can't believe it. Why does she have to be so stubborn and so irritating at the same time? Won't she get tired of being herself? I am! I inhaled the smoke of my cigarette, waiting for the bi.tch to show up. What is taking her so long to get here?

I counted a few cars that passed by the old road, it existed back in my childhood days, time slowly ticking by. It was snowing but I didn't feel any coldness of the weather. Being a demon has its perks. Five minutes passed by and no sign of her yet. I swear, if she doesn't show up I'll rip that red hair-

"Hello Styles."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "What took you so long, Sonya?" The red haired girl held her hands up, a small frown etched on her face. "Don't have to be so impatient Styles, I still have a life to live besides working for you." She pulled out a small envelope from the pocket of her jacket and handed it to me. "Found this in one of those houses you assigned me to raid."

I ripped the envelope in and took out its contents. My eyebrows furrowed as I read the paper in my hands, it was two tickets to Europe which dated back in 1975. "Was this used?" I questioned to which she shooked her head. "Negative. I asked a friend of mine to see if it was, but he found out that the couple didn't took the trip at the last minute."

I run my fingers through my now long hair, still deciding if I should cut it or not. "Any other leads?" Sonya nodded, "Yes, it seems the couple drove out of town instead. Which means they couldn't have gone that far." She took out another piece of paper from her jacket and gave it to me. "And, my spies reported a few hours go that the couple you seeked died in a car crash in the year 1987 and that they have a child. A girl."

Handing me a photo of a girl wearing a dress, she continued, "The girl is around 40 years old and is now married. It seems they intentionally wanted to kill themselves. The couple handed their daughter over to a long time friend back in 1986 before they died. "

I couldn't help but to widen my eyes, "You mean-" Sonya nodded in affirmation, a small smile playing on her red lips. "Yes Sir, we have found the last Smith to kill."

With a smile of triumph, I gave the papers to her, "Good. We'll hunt them down tomorrow evening. Get the troops ready."


Lucinda's POV

Groaning tiredly, I shifted around the bed before fluttering my eyes open. The room was dimly lit and Grace was gone, I stared down at the bandage that now covered my wound. Sitting up, I went out of bed and looked at the time on the digital clock.

It is now 5 in the afternoon, I missed lunch. Hissing softly, I took the crutch and walked out of the room and down the stairs. When I reached the end, I was met by the sight of Grace and Zayn sitting closely together on the couch and were taking in hushed voices.

They must've saw me coming since they pulled apart, how awkward. "Lucy, you shouldn't have left your bed. Your wound is not yet fully healed." Grace spoke, breaking the short awkward silence. Zayn coughed in the background and stood up, "I'll go and make some coffee."

Once he disappeared, Grace stood up, "You have go rest Lucinda, Harry won't appreciate it if you don't heal right away." Yeah? If he doesn't, why hurt me? He must like it because he did it. Why else would he then?


"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, no." I spoke once again, turning my back from her to stare at the portraits placed in a corner to avoid her stare. "I don't want to heal my wounds," I lied flawlessy through my teeth. "And why's that Lucinda?" Grace is probably thinking that I have gone mad, but I am already mad since the day I walked in the old haunted house and met the devil.

Before I could answer, Zayn walked in with two cups of steaming coffee. Handing one to Grace, he gave me the other, to which I accepted. "Thank you," I mumbled and took a sip, the warm beverage calming me. If you're in a house filled with demons and unknown creatures, it is impossible to be calm. Really impossible.

"Lucinda, please listen to yourself." Grace reasoned out, "If you won't be able to recover, we'd both get into trouble with Harry. And I'm concerned with your health."

Sighing softly, I placed the mug on the coffee table and nod. "I'll go and stay in my room," I mumbled to Grace, who was surprised that I decided to follow her order, but was happy that I did. I took the crutch and started to go up the stairs, hissing slightly at the pain.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I went directly to the room and shut the door. I sat down on the edge of the bed and threw the crutch away. Hating that I have to use it in the meantime. I watched boredly at the window as the snow fell outside. A few seconds pass, my mind started to imagine things. I knew I am going to go insane if I continue staring at space until my eyes become sore.

Groaning in frustration, I took a pillow and threw it across the room. I have to get out of here! I don't care if I am a wanted criminal, I'll get out of this town for good and change my identity. The big question there

The clock on the night stand started to beep, signaling it's almost night time. Licking my lips, I rolled to my side and stared at the ceiling above. I closed my eyes as if it would bring back my sanity, that I must've lost a long time ago.

My eyes opened wide, goosebumps appeared on my skin when something cold touched my forehead. Brown eyes against vibrant green ones. A small smile was on his lips as he stared down at me.

"I'm back sweetheart."

Hey guys!

Soooo sorry if I haven't updated this story for ages because my mom confiscated my phone. My grades were plummeting down and now it's good that's why I have my phone back. (:

Hope this chapter is enough for this week and I'll update once again.

Can't believe only a few chapters more before Hex will end! I'M SOOO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR REACTIONS IN THE END!

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