Chapter Fifty-six

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•Chapter Fifty-six•

"Lucinda, are you crazy?"

"Wanna bite?"

"Y-you're real?"

"Get well soon love, can't wait to punish you."

"Who's Harry?"

"So you're the girl who went missing for days?"

"I'll kill you!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Death. Just the thought or even the mention of it can turn your whole world around. It's the ugly truth, when life is a beautiful lie. Some people hate the idea of it, while others accept it that death is written in their fate. In the Bible, the wages of sin is death. But why do innocent people die everyday, while the evil and unjust ones are out there, alive and still causing chaos? Why didn't they die instead of the innocent ones?

Why wouldn't it be like in those fairy tale books where the hero would always win, the villain will always fall? The answer is simple, life isn't a fairy tale at all.

When I was young, my parents never let me out of the house, telling me that it's a dangerous world out there. I never believed them, thinking they were exaggerating it so I wouldn't dare take a step out of the house. Now? I believe them, and I wished I had listened before it was too late. It is a dangerous world.


I felt the darkness envelope me in a tight embrace, welcoming me as I continue to fall into the endless void. I shouldn't be with my delusional mother in the first place, I should've stayed with my father. My sanity would still be with me. I shouldn't have challenged the demon, should've left when I had the chance even if my mother wanted me to stay. Stay in hell. This shouldn't have happen, everything shouldn't have happen.

"Lucinda, wake up."

I suddenly stopped falling into darkness, to what seems like forever, until I felt myself being pulled back up by an invisible force. Bright light suddenly appeared above me, blinding me until I was pulled towards it. My lips parted as I felt something warm entered through my mouth, filling my body.

It was life.

The first thing that I felt was pain. Pain all over me, especially on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes, the lids feeling heavy as I scanned my surroundings. It was dark, the ground was moist and it smells like something died in here. I was no longer under freezing water. That's when it all came back to me like being hit by a volleyball. Matt, the gun, blood and a floating head.

Remembering the gruesome image, I can feel bile rising up to my throat. Seeing Matt's head floating above me was something I can't erase from my mind. I want to sit up, but I can't. I tried to move my arm, or my leg, but not even my fingers will move. It seems I have been paralyzed. The beating of my heart quickened when I heard a faint growl.

What the hell was that?

Another growl followed, this time it seemed near, my eyes widening in alarm. I have been through alot already, still this made me quiver in fear. If somebody would ask me what fear is, I might give them a straight answer to what it is and how it feels like.

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