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Michael: idk what happened between you two but Luke's smiling again so thank you

Nova: nothing happened

Michael: oh

Michael: awkwaaaard

Nova: na I'm kidding he replied to me and we talked things out

Nova: Michael

Nova: He ducking told me he loves me

Nova: *fucking

Michael: what really?!

Michael: so happy for you nova

Nova: :))))

Nova: He said he's going to ask management if we can actually talk without him getting kicked out

Nova: I hope it'll be okay

Michael: me too

Michael: I ship you guys so hard

Michael: now get me a girlfriend

Michael: lmao jk

Nova: awww is mikey feeling lonely

Michael: no

Michael: I have Calum

Nova: Malum af

Michael: ;)))))

Nova: noooo it's meant to be ;-----)

Michael: no that just looks weird

Nova: you look weird so shuup

Nova: I gotta go to work

Michael: adios bitchacho [bitch-ah-ch-oh]

Nova: auf wiedersehen

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