Chapter 6

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I remember.........Those moments I had a best friend, A close one. Was it a cousin?? I,....can't remember much... I had a lot of flashbacks and dreams about this friend. She played with me everyday and had so much fun with me. But who was she??

She was a friend who was there for me every time I needed her. I remember.....Do I????


Chapter 6:

Two cousins used to play with each other all day. They were like the best of friends. They played together, Laughed together, and loved each other as best friends. One cousin had lost her mother because of a power plant accident and the other had a complete family.

One day, the father of one cousin brought her on a roadtrip. The other cousin hugged her close before they left. The father accidentally Drove over a sharp stone on the road and hit a train. The father died and the youmg girl fell unconscious

She was brought to the emergency room instantly and was operated on for a week because she suffered multiple bleedings and a mass loss of blood. Like a miracle, She woke up after weeks. However, She got amnesia. The doctor pitied her because of the loss of her parents. She forgot everything about her family. The doctor willingly adopted her. She lived in fortunes and riches, Not knowing the truth.

Meanwhile, The other cousin waited for days for certain announcements, They never heard the name of the accident victims so they had no way of knowing where they were. The other cousin became sad and lonely for the next year.


I ran home in the rain with blushes. He willingly gave his jacket?? Who would do that?? I stared back and he was there. I wanted to say thank you.

I climbed up and into my room at 3:30 AM and was exhausted. I took a hot shower and went fast asleep.

The jacket........who was he??

The next day I went to school, I was so sleepy, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I drank two extra large coffees but Im simply to tired. I slept through the first subject.

"Valarie Hoffins!! Would you like to come in front and discuss the lesson" My math teacher, Ms. Aurea Alba, asked. And of course, Detention made it all complete.

I noticed I was wearing the jacket the boy gave me yesterday. I saw someone who approached me.
"You're Valarie Hoffins right??" He asked."Um, Yeah, And who may you be??" I asked back

"Im Vincent and your jacket looks familiar to one I have" he says. I accidentally tripped and he caught me.

"Ugh, Oops!! Sorry!!" I said blushing a bit as I handed over the jacket. Was he really the owner of the jacket??"Um, Bye Vincent" I said lowly with a bit of blush and he smiled and said the same.

At the lunch table I came to sit with my friends, Terry, Aubrey, and Trisha. I have only three friends so far ever since my cousin's long disappearance.

"Are you serious!! You listened to Victoria, That crazy bitch and went to the power plant?!?" Terry screamed. Aubrey just gave me her devilish look and Trisha was quiet as usual.

Terry still flinches a lot because of her schizophrenia. Aubrey still gives me those devilish looks because of her "Yandere" like personality. But Trisha is quiet.

I miss my cousin, Long ago. I don't mention her name because it's painful to hear.

If only one day I would find her.

Game Over: The Power Plantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن