Practice Makes Perfect

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I followed Nobbly's instructions and made my way up to the eighth floor. I've only ever stayed in a hotel with five floors at most. The elevator was spacious enough to hold the cleaner's kit and about five more people; not like those crappy, cramped elevators in two star hotels. This was five star quality and I'm only talking about the lifts so far! The lift finally came to a stop on the eighth floor and the golden, metallic doors slowly opened, revealing a very modern and stylish corridor leading to an endless amount of rooms. I dragged the maid's cart from the lift, being careful not to make as much noise as a cluttering kitchen. To my surprise, it was a smooth cart to pull and it made very little noise. I smiled at my little discovery.

"Wow, you are pleased by the simplest things!"

"Shit!" I was shocked by the sudden appearance of a woman behind me. She looked about thirty years old; mature, but still maintained much of her youth. She had a dirty shade of blonde hair that suited her fair skin and blue eyes that really popped out at you, in a good way though. Just by her appearance, she had this friendly feel to her, even though I was terrified that she appeared out of no where.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you. My name is Mollie Patricks, I'm the other maid that will be assisting you on this floor." She said this with a very warming smile on her lips.

"Hi I'm Olivia Turner, but you can just call me Liv. You have children, don't you?" Mollie looked very puzzled by my odd question but answered it with no hesitation.

"Yes, three. How did you know?"

"I just know by the way you smile, it's a mother's loving smile" Mollie's puzzled look soon returned to her motherly smile.

"Aw that is very sweet of you to say! But, shh! You're showing my age!" I couldn't help but giggle. She reminded me of my own mum. "Anyway, let me show you the ropes Liv, follow me." I have done a lot of following today in such little time.

Mollie took me to a room right at the end of the corridor. She thought it'd be easier to show me how it was all done on the first room and then see how I do on the next. She taught me how to clean the bathrooms with the finishing touches of the right combination of the hotel's complementary scents, how to line the towels in the correct order that seems overly posh and how to make the beds in a fancy way and put an elegant ripple in the guest's pyjamas. Well, the whole pyjama thing is more of a work in progress; Mollie had to correct my ripple every time. I guess practice makes perfect after all! Cleaning the rooms was a very pressurising job. All rooms must be cleaned by 2pm for 'employee efficiency and complete customer satisfaction'...quoted by none other than Nobbly himself! It was a very tight schedule.

Before I knew it, my shift was over at 3pm and I made my way over to the locker room to get my bag. When I arrived, the cute guy from the front desk was also in the locker room. I gave him a quick smile and he returned it. Grabbing my bag, I practically ran out of the hotel in desperate need to get home and relax. I found my bike still chained up where I left it and I bent down to unlock it. A pair of manly, black shoes came into view. My eyes slowly moved up this person's body to see that it was the front desk guy.

"Hi, Olivia." He said with a beaming smile on his face. Aw, how cute.

"Hey." I returned his bright smile. "Okay, this is not fair."

"What?" He looked taken aback.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours." He looked relieved.

He smiled once again, "My name is Mason"

"That's a nice name" He smiled even brighter. This smile is just too cute!

"Hey...uh...I was just wondering...I know it's's okay if you say no..." He scratched the back of his neck out of nerves. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink or have dinner with me on saturday can choose!"

"Dinner would be great!" He looked shocked that I agreed to go with him. Why would a good looking boy be so shy?

"Wow,..err...thank you, I'll pick you up at seven! Oh wait, I don't know where you live." I wrote out my phone number on a piece of paper and he did the same. Hold on, did he just thank me for saying yes!? Oh no, please don't tell me he's one of these boys that are quite desperate for a girlfriend. It's only my first day at this job. I don't want to quit over some boy that wants to go out with me so desperately it becomes borderline stalking. I am way overthinking this now!

"I'll text you my address" I spoke calmly even though a million things were going through my head right now.

"Great!" He walked off happily and in the corner of my eye I swear I saw him do a victory dance. Oh this should be a fun 'date'.

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