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All I could think about while I was laying in bed was how I was going to go through with my plan tomorrow. He would shut up once and for all. The thought of what I was going to do tomorrow made the butterflies in the pit of my stomach suddenly go on overdrive. I was actually quite terrified, but I knew it would work.

I arrived at work bright and early for the first time in history. I needed to get this right, otherwise I'd really make a fool of myself. After collecting my cart, I made my way over to the elevator.

As soon as the doors pressed shut, I was in my own bubble for a short time. I rested my head back against the wall and went over the plan in my head. I let out a long breath, and then something suddenly clicked. Am I flipping stupid? Surely I could get fired for this! Nope, that's it, I can't do it. Yes, I am officially a chicken, but I had to prove to myself (and clearly my Mum) that I can actually hold down a job. I rubbed with two fingers from each hand against my temples and closed my eyes. I can't believe I was going to do that. The elevator pinged and the doors slowly broke apart from one another. I laughed at my ridiculousness as I pushed the cart out.

"Good mood?"

"Holy crap!" I cried, extremely startled. Molly looked at me quizzically.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you" she said with a smirk on her face, clearly amused by the sight of my terror. I still had a hand placed on my chest, catching my breath.

"No, no it's fine! I was sort of in my own world, didn't even see you there!" I laughed gently through my words. Get your head together Turner!!

I got through my duties quicker than usual today, I just wanted to get out as soon as humanly possible. I decided to avoid Room 412 until the end, hoping the idiot would be gone by the time I get there.

When all the other rooms were cleaned, I walked slowly over to the dreaded room, and pulled out the master key. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and entered. I decided to actually check all the rooms first before getting started. Don't want anymore unfortunate events. I peered round the corner to see an empty bathroom, bedroom and balcony, and I could help but have the widest grin on my face. All that worry for nothing.

Like always, I got to work on the bathroom first, but just as I was finishing cleaning the shower, I heard the room door shut.
"Shit!" I whispered to myself, "shit, shit, shit!" I almost got away with it! I began to make unnecessarily loud cleaning noises so that he was aware that I was in his bathroom. Don't want him freaking out. Or maybe this was for my sake? I shook my head at the thought and continued to finish off.

"No entertainment on the menu from you today then?" I heard his arrogant voice make its way through the thin wall. "I'm starting to miss that voice of yours" He said with a chuckle.

He'd been saying similar things for the last three minutes. Maybe I was crazy, or maybe I had just had enough of his damned sarcy comments, both were extremely possible scenarios. But I piled everything back into my cart and started to head towards the bedroom.

There he was, his casual, arrogant, sexy- No! His arrogance was radiating off him through the way that he was settled on the bed. One leg lay flat while the other was raised so his knee was pointed to the ceiling. He had his book in front of him once again, and he smirked when his eyes made contact with my own. I dipped my head down and took out the feather duster.
"Does everyone get private shows or am I just special?" I turn towards him to see a playful smile on his lips, and his eyebrows wiggling as he tries (but fails) to be flirtatious. I decide to ignore him, but I can't help but feel the fire from my rage return from yesterday. Before I realised what I was doing, I began to hatch my plan.

The idiot behind me was still blabbing on about me and it was really beginning to wind me up. I shuffled my uniform just a bit higher, without him realising. This would shut him up. I bent myself down to clean a shelf, making sure my butt was sticking out a little bit more than usual. He was still laughing about our encounter yesterday. Luckily, this was my last item to clean, so I could escape. As I finished, I took a deep breath and raised myself back up very seductively. My legs were in the standing position but my upper body was still collecting my cleaning equipment from the ground. It took a moment before I realised. Silence. Complete and utter silence! I knew he was watching, his eyes were burning right through me, probably peering just over his book to make it less obvious. When I was satisfied with the result, I stood up completely and packed everything up. Just as I was pushing my cart out the door, I forgot to reset the air conditioning. I silently cursed myself. Instead of being embarrassed by the walk of shame back to the bedroom, I walked towards the device on the wall, pressed a few of the buttons and turned around. He had a look of complete surprise on his face, his mouth still hanging wide open. I flashed my sweetest smile.
"Enjoy the rest of your day, sir." I swung my body round and headed to the door. Pushing my cart out, I closed the door as quickly as my shaking hands would allow me. My heart was beating erratically. I can't believe I just did that!! Could he report me for that!? Shit. I made my way back to the elevator, thinking of how I could possibly return to work tomorrow. Surely, I'd be the centre of gossip if he tells my manager. I sudden feel deja vu as I rub my temples once again.

Well, at least I managed to shut him up!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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