Chapter 7 - Her again.

Start from the beginning

But you love Sasha.

I padded my way to the mirror to check my hair, not that I needed to. She's the type that just wouldn't care what I looked like. She's accepts me for me.

I walked out the door of my hotel room and looked to the left then to the right, staring at the two doors that both accommodate girls who've I've fallen for in some way. One more than the other.

Decisions, life is full of them.


Georgina's POV

I had arrived back at the hotel an hour ago. I stopped at my door before opening it up. I looked behind me at the door that opened up to the boy of my unrealistic dreams.

I hurried inside my room. I immediately pulled off the uncomfortable flannel I had been wearing, it was way too tight around my boobs. I kicked my adidas originals off and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge. I was now in my white ripped jeans and my black bra. I collapsed on my bed and tried to fall asleep but all I could think about was a boy who I was irrelevant to.

I really would like to know, from Justin, What it is about Sasha that draws him back to her like a moth to a flame, every time he sees her. It's not like she's drop dead gorgeous, I mean she's very pretty but not my type of beautiful. Does she have a good personality? I don't know her that well but from what I do know and from what I've heard, she seems nice. If I'm being honest, I get the feeling she is fake. I'm being a total hypocrite though. I have never met her, I can't say much.

I've been lying here for a while now, hoping to fall asleep but I clearly have not been successful. I called Ciara and let her know I was back at the hotel, herself and Matty were obviously out at lunch or something. Why, I have no idea but I let her know we weren't going to the concert and she didn't seem to mind. I'd explain the rest to her later. I decide to just order room service, I've got nothing else to do.

There was a knock on the door.
"Coming!" I screamed out. I forgot I only had a bra on, I ran to my cupboard and grabbed a maroon long sleeve. I swung open the door while the shirt was going over my head, I couldn't see a thing.

"Gosh, I'm really Sorry. I'll be with you now." I turned my back so the room service guy couldn't see my front, although he probably already had seen. I heard him chuckle as I battled to pull it over my head. I keep tugging but eventually felt warm hands stop mine and gently tug my sweatshirt down. I suddenly knew it wasn't the room service guy. I was met with those damn eyes that clear my thoughts immediately, "Justin." I breathed, slightly embarrassed.

"That was entertaining." He smirked.

"More like embarrassing, you saw my-" I blushed.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Justin smirked again while I hit his arm.

"Justin!" I gasped but we joined each other in constant giggling.

"So where's Sasha?" A question I needed to ask.

Why did I just ask that? Way to ruin the moment Georgina.

"She's in a her room I'm guessing." He looked down at his phone as it made a noise. "Speaking of-"

"The devil?" I finished his sentence.

"Devil? that's a bit harsh." Justin stated emotionless.

"She's harsh." I replied, immediately regretting it. I held my hand over my mouth.

Why was a being so honest all of a sudden?

"You don't know her, how the fuck can you judge her?" He raised his voice and stepped away from me. I flinched at his movement.

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