Chapter 7

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Out of curiosity I started walking towards the front door. I really didn't know who was there but by the way Riker's voice sounded I knew this wasn't good. By the time I walked up to the door I saw somewhat pretty girl but she looked like a Barbie Doll.

"Riker is everything fine?" I asked him quietly walking up to him.

"Yeah Lilly, everything is fine. She was just leaving" he said through his teeth. I could clearly see that he was very unhappy, we can say he was pissed.

"And who is SHE?" barbie asked pointing her long black nails with some designs on them.

"None of your business" said Riker" you should leave. You're not welcome here" he added and I realized that this was his ex girlfriend he just broke up with this morning. Oh shiiiiiiit.

"Riker let's go make ice cream for everyone" I said to him walking up to him. I just wanted him to stop talking and mean mugging her the whole time. I just wanted him to close the door and walk away from there.

He turned around and smiled at me sweetly at what I decided to return the smile. He just looked at the Barbie girl and closed the door in her face. He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder and we walked into the kitchen. He took out all of the ice cream out of the freezer while I opened all the toppings.

"Can you please take out the whipped cream as well?? I put it in the fridge earlier" I said to him but I didn't turn toward him. A second later I felt him standing close behind me, so close that I could feel his breath on my neck when he bent down a little to put the whipped cream in front of me.

"Here you go" I heard him whisper in my ear what sent shivers throughout my whole body.

"Thanks" I said quietly and started putting ice cream into the bowls what he joined me with a second later. I know he was wearing glasses.

"I didn't see you wear glasses when I came" I said looking at him. He put his head down a little frowning"they look good on you" I smiled not looking at him, I just kept on putting the variety of ice cream in the bowls.

"Thanks" I heard him say. " I wasn't wearing them when you came because I was in my room getting ready after shower when you rang the door bell and they rushed me to open the door" he added I looked up at him and saw him looking at me and smiling a little, I returned the smile and felt a little blush creep on my cheeks.

"What topping do I add for who?"I asked him trying to figure out what to add for everyone.

"Add everything on every bowl. Ill make my own bowl. I'm allergic to most kinds of nuts so I have to make sure there is none" he said smiling wide. I laughed a little even tho there was no reason to really laugh"are you allergic to anything?" He looked at me raising his right eyebrow.

"Yeah, bullshit" I laughed at the way he looked at me after I said that "no but seriously I'm allergic to some antibiotic but I don't remember which one" I said smiling and finishing putting all the toppings on the ice cream.

"So if you went to the hospital you wouldn't know what you're allergic to and they might give you a wrong thing?" He said surprised and laughing at me a little. I didn't sag anything.

I just took a tray of bowls with me and walked into the living room where they were already watching a movie.

"Geez thanks for waiting" I said annoyed putting ice cream with a loud thump on the table. I was truly annoyed." So me and Riker go through all this to make you ice cream and you guys just start the movie without us.nice." I said my voice dripping with annoyance and sarcasm. Riker didn't say anything. He just left want back to the kitchen left his tray there walked back in the room took my tray off the table and took it back to the kitchen when he came back he had two bowls in his hands and stood next to me. By looking at his face I knew he was really annoyed too.

Will You Make Me Fall In Love-Riker Lynch FanFicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum