Chapter 5-Riker's P.O.V.

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She closed her window but not the blinds. I saw how she walked up to her mirror and let her long red hair down and brushed them carefully. She put a little lotion on her hands and just stood there looking at herself. She didn’t look happy while she was looking at herself. I don’t think she likes the way she looks but she is truly beautiful. I like talking to her even though that was our first real conversation.

I don’t know what to do about Allison. She just pisses me off and I know that everyone in the house including my parents would be extremely happy if I broke up with her. I am a guy and I never had sex with her because I am scared that she will try getting pregnant to get to my money. She is the one trying to have sex with me and I keep making up excuses. I think I am ready to break up with her. I walked away from my window and turned the light off and laid in my bed. I don’t remember even when I fell asleep.

I was woken up by Rydel screaming in my ear that breakfast is ready. I did not want to get up that’s sure but you just don’t mess with Rydel. I walked out of my bed slowly and walked up to my window to see if Lilly is still asleep but I didn’t see her because she closed her blinds. I looked at the clock and it was 8.30 A.M. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

“Hi mom” I kissed my mom on the cheek and grabbed my plate of scrambled eggs bacon and toast. “ I have to go somewhere today before we go to the studio to practice. It won’t take long I promise” I smiled toward mom and got up leaving half of my plate still full.

“What’s happening sweetie?” Mom asked me but I only shook my head and walked out of kitchen and went to the garage to get into my Range Rover to get to Allison’s house. To be honest I was so scared to break up with her because I can just imagine her yelling at me. She can get very loud when she gets pissed off. I stopped in her drive way and walked out of the car and ran the door bell. She came down looking all herself. Medium length blonde hair and second face made out of various makeups. Can someone explain why I ever date her?

“heyy Bayy-Beeeeeee” she said hanging herself on my neck. I pushed her away slightly when she tried kissing me.

“Allison we are done. I don’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore. This won’t work out. Sorry” I said quickly and not looking at her because I was scared of her reaction. The moment I looked at her I felt my cheek burning. She slapped me, very hard. Ouch that’s gonna leave a mark. I just smiled at her and walked away. I feel free. Maybe I can ask Lilly is she wants to come over today with Kate and chill with us. Ugh I wish I had her number.

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