Chapter Twenty: My Vengeance

Start from the beginning

Ewilinia rammed her fiery blade into the man's throat and watched as he coughed blood from his mouth, staining his teeth crimson. He twitched for a few short moments as the blackness left his eyes along with any sign of life, all that remained were a pair of empty hollow orbs encased in flesh. She'd gotten what was needed from him; it had been the location of Caius the man who had so ruthlessly killed the only man that she ever loved. She had found the man skulking about the Welsh countryside, no doubt attempting to track down Lavernock Point. She had learned that Caius was located at an abandoned building in Stannington, England, named St Mary's Asylum. It was their main base of operations and if the Cyturion had spoken truth, was well guarded due to Cyturions having retreated to their respective bases.

Infiltrating the building would be one thing, but killing Caius would be a completely different thing altogether. After receiving the information Ewilinia pulled out her mobile phone which was against the rules in the base, but she'd managed to keep it a secret for a while. She powered it up and searched St Mary's Asylum through the internet and managed to find several pictures, she focused mostly on the picture of the outside of the building to help her. Now that she knew what her destination looked like she could be on her way, it was the only drawback of their transport method, needing to know what a place looked like first, such a hindrance. With it in her mind she set fire to the Cyturions body and then let the white inferno rise up around her body, until she was gone from Wales entirely.

St Mary's Asylum, Stannington, Cyturion Base.

Ewilinia was stunned as she materialized before the building before her; during her brief research she'd had no idea that the Asylum was in fact an entire complex. Numerous buildings filled the English countryside, their windows broken and their bricks crumbling from age and decay. She had appeared amongst a small clutch of trees not far away, which was lucky as there were two patrols composing of two men together walking about the place. It was the perfect place for an army, and despite the man she tortured cracked under the pressure, she now had her doubts as to whether he spoke truth. The building in front of her appeared to be the reception area being at the very front of the complex, so assuming correctly Caius would be further in most likely in the very centre of the complex.

She waited patiently for the patrol's to pass out of sight deeper into the cluster of structures and made her move. She crouched slightly and walked as fast as she was able to reach a set of blue painted double doors to, she then crouched lower and moved to her right underneath the windows above her. Coming to the end she peered around the corner, neither patrol being anywhere in sight, she moved to the right until arriving at another building beneath another clutch of lush green trees. The shadow of the night helped to conceal her perfect and the dark clothing she had chosen to wear was perfect for going un-noticed. A set of muffled voices came from directly behind her causing her to turn on the spot. Two men approached from down the small road leading under the trees and so far had not acknowledged her presence.

She turned to the nearest tree and began to climb, the tree was rough and curved so finding her footing was easy enough which helped her reach a nice thick branch to perch on. Once on her perch she looked down, keeping her breathing steady despite the constant thump of her heart against her cage of ribs. After a couple of anxious and panicking minutes, the two Cyturions passed beneath her, completely unaware of how close they had come to catching an intruder. She waited another couple of minutes just to make sure that they didn't double back, before descending the tree landing with a soft thump on her feet. She continued to the building ahead of her and remained in a crouched position, staying out of sight of the windows behind her.

Across from her position was a collection of buildings, it was too dark to make out their exact features but she could see rectangular windows twinkling in the moon light. "This has to be it, I just need to find someone who can tell me where, Caius is" Thought Ewilinia.

The Embers Book I: The First Fires Of WarWhere stories live. Discover now