Chapter Thirteen: Hope And Despair

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Chapter Thirteen: Hope And Despair

Farn and Michal walked in silence toward Taylor and Jamie's caravan, the gravel crunching beneath their feet the only sound breaking the silence. The base had been hit hard by the death of Bryce, he was well known amongst the men and women of Lavernock Point and along with the attack on Scotland. Morale was dangerously low. They came to a stop before the caravan and walked inside, they'd been tasked with checking up on the boys. Neither had been seen since they ventured to Bath the day before and Tobias was becoming concerned. He would have handled it himself but unfortunately he was too busy getting things organised with the new arrivals from Ireland. They had poured in not long after Taylor and Jamie had left for their mission. Michal looked to his left to see Taylor sat on the sofa casually tossing a sky blue fire ball between is flaming palms hardly noticing the twins enter.

He look dishevelled his hair was greasy and a small amount of facial hair was growing on his chin but not much, his eyes were sullen and lacked in spark of life what so ever. Taylor looked up ceasing his fire juggling catching the fire in his left palm and gave a small smile.

"Hey guys" said Taylor extinguishing his fire and walking into the kitchen area collecting a glass from a cupboard and pouring himself some water.

"Hi Taylor, How are you doing?" asked Michal attempting to tread lightly as he was unsure how stable is emotions were at the moment.

"I'm okay, I suppose Tobias sent you to check up on me and Jamie" said Taylor already knowing that he was right by the look on Michal's face which confirmed it for him.

"He'd be here himself but things have gotten quite hectic since yesterday, he just wants to know that you and Jamie are okay" said Farn.

"Like I said I'm okay just wanted some time away from my crazy new life, but I am worried about Jamie." "He's only left our room to eat or use the bathroom, been crying himself to sleep constantly and he woke up last night screaming" said Taylor clearly disturbed by his friends inner turmoil.

"He's not built for this, he's too kind and to be honest I can just about handle it because if I don't my family will suffer" said Taylor, then gulping down half the glass of water and leaning against the sink.

"We need to snap him out of it, he's not the first person we've seen like this even Mylar snapped in the beginning" said Michal remembering what Tobias had told him.

Mylar had been sent out with a scouting party up in the North of England, he'd killed two Cyturion's and didn't show his face to anyone for almost a week, he lost a lot of weight and was close to starvation.

"I've tried and he won't listen to me, feel free to talk to him though maybe someone he's less familiar with might be able to help him. I'm going to have a shower and a shave as well" said Taylor rubbing his chin with a smirk then getting up and heading into the bathroom.

Michal left the living room area and headed down the small hallway and to the boys room on the right. He'd placed his hand on the handle swinging it open to find Jamie buried beneath the covers of his bed, his hair poking out the top. The room smelt something awful, the air was thick with the smell of sweat and the window being shut accounted for a lack of ventilation. The boy was suffering, he remembered when he'd killed a person for the first time, it was never something you forgot and it haunted you forever so being immortal that was a long time. Michal walked over and sat on Taylor's bed opposite facing the concealed lump that was Jamie's body, which moved slightly from breathing.

"Jamie its Michal, if your awake then please sit up and face me, it's rude to ignore people" said Michal figuring the best way to get his attention was to be firm. His body twitched for a moment as he went to move then stopped considered whether he wanted to or not. He then decided it best to listen and sit up to face Michal.

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