T w e n t y 9

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/half a year has past/

-Vanesa's pov-
It's almost time to go to college so we started packing.I sure am gonna miss my family,Chris is sleeping over until we all have to leave for college and of course I have to find myself a roommate or I can be alone,id rather be alone then sharing a room with a person I don't even know."Finished packing?" Joey says leaning on my door "Not yet" "need help?"
"No I'm fine you can go on and pack"
"I just finished" I give him a hand motion telling him he can come over and help me we packed for almost an hour never really knew how much clothes I have,But I'm getting even more clothes once I go to college.
"DINNER"my shouted all the way from the kitchen everyone ran downstairs and took a seat at the table, "You guys ready for college" we said "yeah"
"Well they just called and they said you guys have to be in three days just to get used to the place" so we had to be leaving tomorrow.After dinner we all put our stuff in the car when we finished we went back inside, I went to my room and just sat next to my window it's my thinking window when I usually feel nervous,scared or happy my face expression will only tell you.
"You scared" a familiar voice
I turn around and see Joey approaching me "how'd you know"
"Well this is your thinking window and you face looks scared"
"I'm scared to"
"What are you scared about?"
"Don't worry people will love you I'm the one who should be scared"
"College what if I'm not good at volleyball I know I've been playing since the 7th grade but those girls are probably way better at it then me"
"No you're great at volleyball those girls should be scared because you're probably better at it then them" Joey says with a little smile.We both say goodnight and he walks back to his room.I fall asleep scared/happy because we leave tomorrow at 6am just with that thought I fell asleep.

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