T w e n t y 4

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The next day we all went over to school Joey was half awake once we got there "We're here to get our grades coach Ratliff" I said "okay so it's you Joey and Chris for right now" coach replied "Yes sir" "okay here you go" he said handing us our grades.

Once we got home Joey went back to sleep so we didn't see our grades we all want to see together.

-skip through the day-
"Joey com'on lets see our grades" Chris shouted "be right there"
Joey came downstairs and we all opened our grades "straight As" we all whispered "We did it guys" Joey said we all jumped up..."Hey joey"Jordan yelled "yes" he replied "thank you for showing me that I'm someone around here" "your welcome pal" Joey smiled at Jordan while hugging each other.

Short chapter sorry..I've been really busy lately.

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