T w e n t y 7

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- Joeys pov -
Vanesa just told us about UCLA I just I got in and of course Chris,but what if they already sent me the letter which my parents got and my father doesn't want to see me.When dinner was over all I could think about it wanting to go home and see if they have my letter,but I guess I'll have to wait.I went over to my room and looked outside my window and just thought to myself 'what if I do get in UCLA,But what if I don't I'll be crushed'.I fell asleep with that thought running through my head.

I woke up at 10 like all ways I heard some noise coming from downstairs figured it was Vanesa.I jogged downstairs "Good morning" Vanesa said "You to" I said with a worried look on my face I was still thinking about not getting in UCLA "what's wrong?" Vanesa says while running her fingers through my hair "Nothing don't worry about me" she raises one eyebrow "I know something's wrong"
"Well yeah something is wrong but I'm a big boy I could figure it out myself"
We both sat down and ate breakfast
"Hey Joey right after eating I'm going to the gym so you can hang out with my brother or Chris your choice"
"Okay what time you coming back"
"Um I don't know ill see"
After we finished eating I got ready and told Vanesa I'll be at the mall which I lied I'm going to my 'old' house and seeing if they have some of my mail.It really didn't take that long to get there only a couple minutes,once I got there I knocked on the door and just my luck my father opens it "Father" I say "Joey"
"Reason why I ca-" I was cut off by my father "You wanted to come back"
"No I came to see if you guys have some mail for me"
"Oh well yeah we do one from UCLA came last week" he said handing me the letter "not like you got in" he whispered "Well I'm leaving"
"Not saying hi to your mother"
"Tell her I said 'hi'"

I walked back to Vanesa's house my eyes filled with tears why would my father say that I was already worried about not getting in.When I arrived to her house I wiped my eyes and opened the door went up to my room and laid the letter on my bed,When I hear my phone go off I checked who it was and it was Vanesa
Babe:hey I'm on my home and wondering if we should go paintball.

Me: sure I'll go tell the guys and I'll drive I also got some news so yeah.

I went over to the game room where Vanesa's brother usually hang out and play video games or watch movies "Hey you guys want to go paintball"
"Yeah" they all shouted "And Chris is joining us to so when Vanesa get home we go pick Chris up"

I went back to my room got in the shower and got dressed when I was all finished I sprinted downstairs and sat down on the coach.Then I saw Jordan come downstairs and sat next to me "so Vanesa got in UCLA what about you"
"Well I just came back from my house and my dad handed me the letter which he said 'not like you'll get in" "you will and that's not your home this is your home we care about you and love you now let's go get Chris"
"But we have to wait for Vanesa"
"We'll text her once she's ready we'll come over and pick her up" I nodded.

- Vanesa's pov -
I just came back from the gym parked my car in the garage and went inside my house "Hello anybody home" I shouted and it echoed through the house "guess not". I feel my phone buzz and check who it was,Joey

Jo-g: Hey Vanesa we just came to pick Chris up so just text when you're ready.

I didn't bother to respond instead I got in the shower,blow dried my hair,got ready and curled my hair a little.I texted Joey back

Me:Hey I'm ready
Jo-g:Okay we'll come pick you up

I waited patiently and heard a big honk so I got out locked the doors and hopped In the car right next to joey.

Joey parked the car and we all got out Joey and I went in hand and hand."Hello guys who's the team captain" the lady said "Me" Joey said
"And the other team captain"
"Me" Jordan said
"Okay now you two pick your teams"
Jordan went first and he picked me of course he'll pick so Joey won't get to but it was fun I get to beat his ass again.Now it was joeys turn he picked Chris and it went on once the teams were picked we get to pick our team color,"who pick the color" the lady said
"My sister" Jordan said putting his hands on my shoulders "pink" I said with a laugh "remind me not to pick you" Jordan said taking his hands off my shoulders joeys team picked blue and then the lady took us to the paintball field. "30 seconds to pick our territory" Jordan shouted he ran over to this big spot.

-Joeys pov-
I saw Jordan running I had my chance to shoot him but just in time someone shot me and it was Vanesa how I knew that I saw her curls jumping around when she ran over to her little place.I walked over to her surprised she didn't guessing Chris already got her because her vest was all blue and yellow."BOO" I shouted she screamed then ran off so I won't shoot her but I did when she was running she tried shooting back but I ran off.After we the blue team won we went over to Buffalo Wild Wings.

- Vanesa's pov -
After we lost Jordan wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.We got in the car this time I went to the back and let Jordan sit there Chris was right next to me I was kinda tired so I rested my head on his shoulders.When we got there Chris woke me up and Joey came over held my hand and we walked inside "Hey guys I'll be your waitress can I start you off with some drinks" we said what we wanted to drink but I couldn't help it that she couldn't take her eyes off of Joey "She obviously couldn't take her eyes off of you" I whispered to Joey "Really I didn't notice" "Acting like you didn't see a thing" "No I just couldn't take my eyes off of you" he said with a smirk
Our waitress came back with our drinks "What will you guys be eating" we told her what we wanted to eat.We all waited patiently the waitress came back with our food pretty fast.

- Joeys pov -
When we were all done eating we went back home and some of us went to bed we just dropped Chris off.When we arrived to the house Chris texted me like 7 times
Chris:): Dude oh my GAHJ I just checked the mail and I got a letter from UCLA.

Me: CONGRATULATIONS did you get in?!!!

Chris:): I think I'm gonna wait till tomorrow did you get a letter?!

Me: I did actually I was gonna tell you guys but I decided to wait.

When me and Chris said 'goodnight' I opened the letter from UCLA I know I told myself I was gonna wait till tomorrow but I need to know right now I opened it 'July 20th,1992 2165-' I skipped the boring part 'Dear,Joseph
First of all,may I say that I've seen you play football,my opinion is that you're very good at sports and science,So therefore we'd like for you to be a student here in UCLA.' so I got in I repeated that over and over again but not that loud didn't want to wake Vanesa's family up.

-Vanesa's pov-
I woke did what I do every morning brush my teeth brush my hair go downstairs and make breakfast.But Joey was already making breakfast "Good morning" I said "Good morning,i have some news so does Chris" "Well what is it?!" "It can wait"
I sigh he knows I hate waiting for a surprise until everyone came and sat down at the table joeys pulls out a letter I'm guessing from UCLA."guys I have some news" "what?" "I GOT IN UCLA!!" We all congrats him now we have to for Chris to get his letter.

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